Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Letters to the Editor

Want to read a letter to the editor of Whitefish Pilot? See below to view their letters.

Updated 2 weeks ago

Two sides to every story: vote yes for kids

In order to repair our track, it would cost upwards of 1 million dollars, regardless of whether this bond passes. …

Updated 8 years ago
City Council vote a sham

I attended the Whitefish City Council public hearing Sept. 6 on revised wastewater rates. The stated purpose of the meeting was to receive public input.

Updated 8 years ago
Thankful for donation

It was an act of amazing graciousness when Collision Craft donated a vehicle to the Flathead Youth Home.

Updated 8 years ago
Lion killing could have been avoided

The recent killing of a mountain lion by police officers in Whitefish is an unfortunate incident that could have possibly been avoided.

Updated 8 years ago
Grateful for emergency response

On Sunday, Sept. 4, around 6:30 p.m., my husband and our niece who was visiting from California had just finished a delicious meal at the Whitefish Lake Golf Course restaurant. I suddenly felt myself passing out an…

Updated 8 years ago
Country might not survive a Trump presidency

I am saddened to write this opinion piece, but after much thought, I must. In my long life I have never voted for a Democrat for president. That will change this year.

Updated 8 years ago
Montanans rallying to remember Diekmann's legacy

Editor’s note: The late conservationist Alex Diekmann worked as a senior project manager for the Trust for Public Land. He orchestrated the deal to complete the Haskill Basin conservation easement, which was finali…

Updated 8 years ago
Honest people doing good

Thank you to the person who turned in my cell phone at Safeway on Aug. 26. I am so grateful to you. It is so heartwarming to know that there are honest people doing good. Thank you so much.

Updated 8 years ago
Allow parents a bigger stake in their child's future

School is starting in many parts of Montana as we say goodbye to summer. Sadly, Gov. Steve Bullock didn’t request any funding increases for this year’s special education students in his budget proposal in 2015.

Updated 8 years ago
Properly vetting Syrian refugees

This week, the White House met its goal of resettling 10,000 Syrian refugees. The Republicans on Capitol Hill have raised questions about whether or not terrorists or violent criminals have been allowed in. However…

Updated 8 years ago
Candidates look at property tax issues

We had a round table meeting back in mid-July with legislators, candidates and lakeshore property owners about property taxes. The problems that were brought up, however, impact all property tax payers and not just…

Updated 8 years ago
Benefits of WHS writing mentors

As a high school English teacher, I would like to take a moment to express my belief in the power of written communication and to highlight some of benefits of the Writing Mentors program at Whitefish High School, …

Updated 8 years ago
When are enough casinos enough?

Just recently on a lazy summer day my family and I received a distressing letter in our mailbox here on Hodgson Road. A letter from the Planning and Zoning Office with a potential diagnosis of the big “C”: Casino. …

Updated 8 years ago
Meeting objectives of sustainability

It is important the public understands the mechanics of the vote by the Whitefish School Board Trustees Aug. 17 regarding the Center For Applied Sustainability.

Updated 8 years ago
Learning to think beyond oneself

I’d like to voice my support for the new, exciting project happening in the Whitefish Schools — the Center for Applied Sustainability. The idea for this learning center is a long-term concept that is extremely posi…

Updated 8 years ago
Support the practical candidate

I went to school with Chet Billi, and he was always outspoken. If something was being taught in the class that Chet believed was false or misrepresented, he spoke up. He’s not afraid to stand on principle, and the …