Searching for opinion based articles? Below we'll share opinion news articles on a wide variety of topics.
Chairlift: Six little words
Last Wednesday was one of those sublime days on The Big.
Montana’s Nuclear Future
Montana has historically played an important part in US energy transitions throughout its one hundred thirty-five-year history.
Whitefish Council compensation could be funded by a tax increase
If you voted “yes” to city council compensation on the November ballot, did you ever consider it would have to be funded with a tax increase?
Letter to Montana citizens and businesses that rely on Amtrak
On Jan. 20, the Federal Railroad Administration released a report to Congress titled, “Amtrak Daily Long-Distance Service Study.”
Save our wolves
Wildlife management has no place in politics.
Create Youth Advisory Council to engage young people
During last week’s Whitefish Community Development Board meeting, students from Mr. Webb’s A.P. Government class presented solutions to problems facing Whitefish as part of the Vision Whitefish Growth Policy Update…
Welcome to the Senate
Following my fourth term in the Montana House, I faced either political extinction, as term limits in Montana limit the number of terms served for legislators and state office holders, or a run for a newly configur…
The sickness of wolf trapping
Wolf trappers and their supporters share in their hatred, cruelty and violence toward wolves.
CFAC: three ways EPA’s decision fails us all
While the EPA’s Record of Decision recently issued for the Columbia Falls Aluminum Co. Superfund site is dismaying, EPA’s failure to do so without actionably considering public concerns and numerous technical issue…
Proud to have put students first
Serving as your state superintendent has been an honor.
Chairlift: Automotive appreciation
I'm in a minority of sorts.
A dirty manger
I applaud County Commissioners Randy Brodehl and Pam Holmquist for standing strong against any further encroachment of socialism in Flathead County operations.
Seek and ye shall find
The only control I have in life is over myself.
President Jimmy Carter a moral compass for our times
My wife and I took our daughters to Disney World in 1997, and after doing so took a quick side trip into southern Georgia to visit the Andersonville Stockade where our Civil War ancestor was held in the rebel priso…
County commissioners should reject funding
Our county commissioners have been under a lot of public pressure to accept money that could be used to help people, who would otherwise not be able, to attain home ownership.