Monday, September 23, 2024

Letters to the Editor

Want to read a letter to the editor of Whitefish Pilot? See below to view their letters.

Updated 1 week, 5 days ago

Two sides to every story: vote yes for kids

In order to repair our track, it would cost upwards of 1 million dollars, regardless of whether this bond passes. …

Updated 5 years, 6 months ago
Legislature looks at infrastructure, housing

The Montana Legislature is on a transmittal break during the first week of March. This is the 45-day mark of the session where general bills (nonrevenue), must get to the other chamber. Most of us in the House will…

Updated 5 years, 6 months ago
New surgical director joins cutting-edge team

Recently, North Valley Hospital welcomed a new surgical services director, Rob Romanelly, who moved to Whitefish from Fort Collins, Colorado. Romanelly earned …

Updated 5 years, 6 months ago
Thanks to business for great service

When you wake up on a Sunday morning with the temperature at minus 13 degrees, it’s a big surprise to discover that your house temperature is 59 because your furnace has gone out. That happened to us. We have a mai…

Updated 5 years, 7 months ago
Rural communities in the face of climate change

Climate change can be difficult to fully wrap your mind around. My fear is that more people will engage only after facing a crisis themselves — losing a home due to flooding, markets upended by multi-year droughts,…

Updated 5 years, 7 months ago
Senator provides update on bills

The Montana Legislature has completed 25 days of its 90 day session.

Updated 5 years, 7 months ago
King, queen celebrate Whitefish

We love this Realm! We are so blessed to live in a special place where the rain stops and the sun shines warmth onto our parade, where the people of the Valley show up with smiles and tie-dye, where the children ha…

Updated 5 years, 7 months ago
Representative provides update from Montana Legislature

So many bills come and go. The sponsor presents a bill. She articulates the merits of her bill in a carefully crafted synopsis to set the stage for opponents and proponents to convince the committee. The sponsor ha…

Updated 5 years, 7 months ago
North Valley Hospital looks ahead to 2019

North Valley Hospital is looking ahead to 2019 with optimism and enthusiasm for the new year. Again, we look forward to partnering with our communities and fin…

Updated 5 years, 8 months ago
Carnival honors service with knightings

We are so lucky to live in the magical realm of Whitefish. It is so rare for a small town to have its own living mythology that gets acted out every year, especially in such a fun way that gives all the people a ch…

Updated 5 years, 8 months ago
Legislature gets rolling for 66th session

The 66th session of the Montana Legislature was sworn into office on Jan. 7. With five new Senators and 31 new Representatives, there is a steep learning curve to implement. The Flathead Valley is well represented …

Updated 5 years, 8 months ago
Supports Medicaid expansion

As a local citizen, a fifth-generation Montanan, and also as a professional in the field of behavioral health, I am writing to share my support for Medicaid expansion in Montana.

Updated 5 years, 8 months ago
Montana businesses cannot afford congressional inaction on LWCF

In Montana, the business of outdoor recreation is big business. Whether you are REI or a local main street operation selling gear and goods to communities who thrive on our outdoor amenity lifestyle, you are contri…

Updated 5 years, 8 months ago
Solution to climate change

With the latest IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report I was again distressed over this big world problem. Yes, I can turn down the heat and take the bus, but my personal impact seems so small. The…

Updated 5 years, 8 months ago
North Valley Hospital celebrates successes of 2018

North Valley Hospital is grateful for our community support throughout 2018. We wanted to look back at some of the wonderful events, fundraisers, and moments w…

Updated 5 years, 8 months ago
Change weakens checks, balances

We question the wisdom of making significant changes to the rules of operation in the Montana House as a group of legislators are currently trying to do. One of the proposed changes would allow a simple majority (5…