Thursday, September 19, 2024

Letters to the Editor

Want to read a letter to the editor of Whitefish Pilot? See below to view their letters.

Updated 1 week, 1 day ago

Two sides to every story: vote yes for kids

In order to repair our track, it would cost upwards of 1 million dollars, regardless of whether this bond passes. …

Updated 1 year, 11 months ago
Tranel: Nov. 8 presents a consequential choice

Many of us have faced that intense moment, clutching a pregnancy test and a timer, waiting, agonizing, bargaining for the result to be one line or two. For those facing a pregnancy they did not intend, or cannot ca…

Updated 1 year, 11 months ago
Physicians oppose LR-131 initiative

We are Montana health care professionals who care deeply for the health, safety, and well-being of our patients.

Updated 1 year, 11 months ago
Zinke’s absence at Whitefish forum shows he isn’t interested in representing the people

I organized a candidate’s forum for our new Western District Congressional Representative in Whitefish in September. I invited all three candidates within days of each other in early July before their calendars had…

Updated 1 year, 11 months ago
Elect PSC commissioners who will challenge utilities on behalf of ratepayers

It was no surprise to open the paper last week and learn that the Public Service Commission had approved a $92 million interim rate increase for Northwestern Energy.

Updated 1 year, 11 months ago
City's proclamation doesn't represent many Whitefish residents

The City Council’s Sept. 6 Proclamation in response to the U.S. Supreme Court decision on overturning Roe vs. Wade does not represent many residents of Whitefish.

Updated 1 year, 11 months ago
Reflecting on growth in Whitefish Schools

As we begin autumn, I’d like to reflect on change and progress in Whitefish Schools. We’ve had a fantastic start to the school year!

Updated 1 year, 12 months ago
Fixing the department of ‘miseducation’

Like my mother and father before me, I am a proud graduate from Whitefish High School and was equally proud that after a 23-year career in the military with multiple overseas tours, two of my three children were al…

Updated 1 year, 12 months ago
A plan to address the affordability crisis

In my campaign for Congress, I’ve traveled over 35,000 miles to connect with Montanans across the district.

Updated 2 years ago
Hosting congressional candidate forum

We are all fortunate to live in a very engaged community where people care deeply about our growth as a city. And though it is hard work showing up for our democracy over and over again, it is also how we tend to i…

Updated 2 years ago
People in congress need to work for us

People in Congress must represent all of us. Their job is to work on the many complex problems that our state and country face. These problems are real.

Updated 2 years ago
The importance of debate

Monica Tranel and John Lamb, Democrat and Libertarian running for Montana’s new Congressional seat, have agreed to debate each other in every county in the western district.

Updated 2 years ago
Ranked Choice Voting a bad idea

Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) in Montana primary elections being promoted by Marc Racicot and Bob Brown is a terrible idea. Until Montana has an unbiased and even-handed media, we are better off keeping the current sy…

Updated 2 years ago
Free and open primary elections

In his farewell address, George Washington, “In contemplating the causes which may disturb our Union” warned of the grave dangers of political parties then just developing at the time of his departure from the pres…

Updated 2 years ago
Build it and they will come

When a developer seeks to build 268 housing units and 73 resort RV stalls in one of the most beautiful places in Montana, ‘they’ will come.

Updated 2 years ago
Inflation is moderating, but not for Northwestern Energy customers

I woke up to news last week that the US inflation rate is moderating. Good news – unless you are a customer of Northwestern Energy.