Thursday, September 19, 2024

Letters to the Editor

Want to read a letter to the editor of Whitefish Pilot? See below to view their letters.

Updated 1 week, 1 day ago

Two sides to every story: vote yes for kids

In order to repair our track, it would cost upwards of 1 million dollars, regardless of whether this bond passes. …

Updated 1 year, 5 months ago
Voluntary 1% fee not transparent

The subject of public comment [Monday] at the City Council meeting involved the controversy surrounding the Tourism Promotion Assessment (TPA), or recently renamed Whitefish Community Sustainability Fund (WCSF).

Updated 1 year, 5 months ago
Teachers on the front lines

School shootings and the bloody murders of totally innocent children and their teacher caretakers is a societal tragedy that Americans have become numb to. Without the common sense outlawing of the assault weapons…

Updated 1 year, 5 months ago
Glacier ticketed entry unfair and bad for business

As a seasonal small business owner in East Glacier, I’m greatly concerned with the overreach of the Glacier National Park pilot program for ticketed entry.

Updated 1 year, 5 months ago
Dave Fern: This year’s session a perfect storm for chaos

I’m home on an abbreviated Easter Break.

Updated 1 year, 5 months ago
Republican Party needs reasonable candidate

How can the divided Republican party find a "non-Trumpian" to be candidate for president?

Updated 1 year, 5 months ago
Economic environment – what it should mean to you

As a Financial Advisor, I've recently had an uptick in conversations.

Updated 1 year, 5 months ago
The whale that spouts off

Everyone who voted for you thinks this criminal charge is just another political ploy by those who are currently in power.

Updated 1 year, 5 months ago
Gianforte’s vision to grow Montana’s economy includes C-PACE

One of Governor Gianforte’s current initiatives is to cut red tape in our government to help grow our economy and create good-paying Montana jobs.

Updated 1 year, 5 months ago
Republican Roots and the Politics of Party

“The Democrats killed two of my brothers.”

Updated 1 year, 5 months ago
Get involved!

When the City Council of Whitefish meets bi-monthly at 7:10 p.m., the Pledge of Allegiance is proclaimed and I am reminded of the phrase “…with liberty and justice for all.”

Updated 1 year, 5 months ago
Governor-appointed board caters to foreign mining company

When a Canadian mining company successfully lobbied a Montana board appointed by Governor Gianforte to let them add more pollution to Montana’s water, it’s time to take a step back and figure out how we got here.

Updated 1 year, 5 months ago
Grizzlies still need protection

Enos Mills first called for protection of grizzly bears in his 1919 book “The Grizzly,” as he watched them being exterminated for Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and California.

Updated 1 year, 6 months ago
Flathead Classic Sled Dog Race says thanks

On behalf of all of the mushers and the ski/bike jorers we would to thank the organizers of the latest Flathead Classic Sled Dog Race that took place out at Dog Creek Lodge on the last weekend in February.

Updated 1 year, 6 months ago
POWDR’s corporate values don’t align with Montanans

Utah-based POWDR Corporation is in the process of purchasing Holland Lake Lodge, a Forest Service-permitted lodge in the Swan Valley, Montana.

Updated 1 year, 6 months ago
The fatal flaw in community input as viewed by an elected official

I just finished reading Keegan Siebenaler’s op-ed to the Daily Inter Lake on March 6.