Friday, April 19, 2024

Get involved!

| March 29, 2023 1:00 AM

When the City Council of Whitefish meets bi-monthly at 7:10 p.m., the Pledge of Allegiance is proclaimed and I am reminded of the phrase “…with liberty and justice for all.” Is this nowadays the case? Not so much.

No matter which side of the aisle we are on, you can witness and participate in the city’s democracy. Why do we seem to be so laissez-faire? The Mayor and six city counselors have been elected by you and are representing you! These unpaid civil servants work tirelessly as does the city’s fine staff to interpret standards and regulations so that the city and its residents …run smoothly. This is non-partisan democracy-in-action, with you in mind.

Attend a city council meeting, witness the interactions among city staff, your counselors and the mayor. You’ll be very impressed with their dedication to represent each Whitefish citizen and you can play a role just by being present. To some the meeting may be boring, to others the discussions, votes, etc. ratify democracy-in-action at least at the local level. This is where change happens and you can play a role. Attend the Monday evening meeting and participate.

Phil Boland, Whitefish