Searching for opinion based articles? Below we'll share opinion news articles on a wide variety of topics.
Chairlift: Six little words
Last Wednesday was one of those sublime days on The Big.
Trade war could be disastrous for Flathead Valley
Recently the Montana Free Press ran an excellent article examining the impact US tariffs will likely have on Canadian trade and visitation in the Flathead Valley.
Bring adult softball back to the Armory
Before 2020 the Armory Fields had adult softball games twice a week. It was an activity that has been enjoyed in Whitefish for decades.
Thank you for Flathead Classic
Dog Creek Lodge hosted the annual Flathead Classic Sled Dog Race on Feb 22 and 23.
The city council has decided on a preliminary compensation package and plans for a public hearing and comment are set to follow in the next few weeks.
Proliferating weed
Our wholesome, friendly and safe environment for locals and visitors is crumbling. Why? The proliferation of weed shops has created a sordid look for our community.
A bill for the dogs and taxes for you
SB 427 was plodding along on the senate floor. The subject matter involves trapping and snaring.
Chairlift: Comic mental respite
This wild ride we’re on has become more erratic lately, so I thought it would be nice to share my funniest story.
Fortunate for Foley
We're barely into March and already the end of our ski season seems to be approaching too soon.
Clean and healthy environment
Do you believe in the Montana State Constitution’s right to a clean and healthy environment?
The reality of Whitefish’s visitor economy
As the organization responsible for managing and strategically strengthening Whitefish’s visitor economy for the benefit of our community, Explore Whitefish often hears a common refrain: Whitefish is booming.
Vote to restore stability
To Senator Daines, Senator Sheehy and Rep. Zinke:
A plea to Congressmen Daines, Sheehy and Zinke
I appreciated your pledges to work hard for your Montana constituents, so now I ask that you have town hall meetings around our beautiful state.
The most nefarious
There's so much troubling information and disinformation and non-dating and overwhelming. Not only the U.S., but the entire world these days.
Finding half way
On a frigid Helena morning, somewhere south of minus twenty degrees, a bus load of residents from Ennis, MT were dropped off at the capitol.
A happy ending for Blacktail rescue effort
Recently, my friend went missing at Blacktail Mountain Ski Area.