Friday, September 27, 2024

Letters to the Editor

Want to read a letter to the editor of Whitefish Pilot? See below to view their letters.

Updated 2 weeks, 2 days ago

Two sides to every story: vote yes for kids

In order to repair our track, it would cost upwards of 1 million dollars, regardless of whether this bond passes. …

Updated 10 years, 11 months ago
After hours pet care in Whitefish

It was great to read the article on Daisy the dog (Whitefish Pilot, Sept. 18) who was attacked by the bear, and to hear of her positive outcome after treatment at Flathead Pet Emergency.  

Updated 11 years ago
City resident supports county control of doughnut

I reside in the city of Whitefish, and I support Flathead County’s total control of the property immediately outside the city limits, known as the doughnut. Simply stated, my overreaching neighbors find fault with …

Updated 11 years ago
Thanks to those who support county animal shelter

The front page article in the Sept. 4 Pilot regarding the changes at Flathead County Animal Shelter was most heart warming and I have enjoyed hearing from a number of previous staff members who are thrilled to see …

Updated 11 years ago
Praise for highway construction workers

I am one of the Site Managers at the Whitefish Community Center and would like to PRAISE the employees that have been working so hard Constructing the new road, bridge and sidewalks. They all have been so kind and …

Updated 11 years ago
Definition of an architect

I would like to comment on a recent article in which the title architect was used to describe a person who is not a licensed architect.

Updated 11 years ago
Annexation will hurt Whitefish Lake

While the Pilot headline story about the city’s plans to annex 70 properties along Whitefish Lake stated that it was for lakeshore preservation, this move, if carried out, will ensure the opposite effect.  

Updated 11 years, 1 month ago
Lending a hand to a tourist in need

My father is 91, needs a cane, but gets around OK and is usually still mentally pretty sharp. He recently went on a Road Scholar (formerly Elderhostel) week-long tour of Glacier Park.

Updated 11 years, 1 month ago
Support the dog park

The past month or so I have become a semi-regular, or I should say, my three dogs and I have become semi-regulars at the WAG dog park. I’ve always appreciated that it was a great place as I drive by daily on my way…

Updated 11 years, 1 month ago
Keep river open to motorized boats

Keep river open to motorized boats

Updated 11 years, 1 month ago
A new take on recycling

Cal, Gary and Pam,

Updated 11 years, 2 months ago
Questioning oil trains in Whitefish

Could an oil train in front of Whitefish Depot explode like the one last week in Lac-Megantic Quebec?

Updated 11 years, 2 months ago
Skateboarder respect

My husband and I had the privilege this week to host 19 young skateboarders in our home. I can say that I have never seen a more respectful, generous, or grateful group of young men and athletes.

Updated 11 years, 2 months ago
Quality rentals are tough to find

For 25 years I have called Whitefish my home, and for the past five, my husband and I have successfully built and managed a business in town.

Updated 11 years, 2 months ago
2nd Street adds needed housing

I am writing to show my approval and support for the proposed 2nd Street Residences.

Updated 11 years, 2 months ago
2nd Street project doesn't fit neighborhood

It’s called the 2nd Street Residences, a refreshing name change from 2nd Street Apartments, as it was presented to us at the last neighborhood meeting. Why the name change? Could it be to make it more palatable?