Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Letters to the Editor

Want to read a letter to the editor of Whitefish Pilot? See below to view their letters.

Updated 1 week, 6 days ago

Two sides to every story: vote yes for kids

In order to repair our track, it would cost upwards of 1 million dollars, regardless of whether this bond passes. …

Updated 7 years ago
Levy request is too much to ask of Whitefish citizens

Now we have yet another school levy upon us in Whitefish. How much is too much? I will NOT be voting for this levy in the Oct. 3 election and here is my reasoning:

Updated 7 years ago
Will County Commissioners take the blame?

It is the duty of any elected or appointed official, be it county commissioners, municipal judges or city planners, to consider the input on the community at large before rendering any final opinion or approval of …

Updated 7 years ago
Important issue glossed over in argument for Longstreet

A recent letter bemoans the absence of Southern statues to General James Longstreet and blames a racist reaction to his post-Civil War behavior and letters. Unfortunately, a salient issue is glossed over.

Updated 7 years ago
Muldown needs can't be ignored

I want to share with the Whitefish community why I felt it was worth my time, effort, and energy to lead the “Vote YES for Muldown” bond committee and why this issue is so important to me. The critical needs we fac…

Updated 7 years ago
Inspiration and energy heading into a new school year

The new school year begins today. It’s an exciting time for our students, teachers and staff to build fresh relationships as we seek meaningful learning opportunities in a quickly changing world.

Updated 7 years ago
Trying times for the Republican Party

My dad’s grandmother lived more than 80 years, and never voted for a Democrat. On the porch of her farmhouse near Independence, Iowa, in election year 1928 she told him why: “The Democrats killed two of my brothers…

Updated 7 years ago
Hileman is 'fair but firm'

Bill Hileman is just the type of person Whitefish needs for its next Municipal Court Judge. “Fair but firm” perfectly describes his approach to law. He has been a pillar of our community for years and his integrity…

Updated 7 years ago
Mitchell's comments dismissive of trees

I read with dismay Mr. Mitchell’s arrogant and dismissive comments about cottonwoods: dirty, a nuisance, losing limbs, dripping sap. The arboreal nerve of some trees!

Updated 7 years ago
Regier says net neutrality an important issue

All the attention around the Federal Communications Commission’s net neutrality regulations brings hope that Congress will intervene to come up with some sort of compromise. Net neutrality is the principle that Ame…

Updated 7 years, 1 month ago
U.S. 93 zoning outrageous

Development planning should benefit the whole community, not just favor a small group of people for their personal profit.

Updated 7 years, 1 month ago
Unknown general showed character

While our nation grapples with the dismantling of statues to the confederacy, I frequently hear the argument that such destroys and distorts “our” history. If that was truly the case, one has to ask why there isn’t…

Updated 7 years, 1 month ago
Mitchell should be removed from office

Phil Mitchell needs to be removed from office. If he were an honorable man (I have seen no evidence of that) he would resign, write a check to the county for $30,000, and quietly return to retirement. He is a disgr…

Updated 7 years, 1 month ago
City budget reflective of increase in services, planned projects

The Whitefish City Council has approved the fiscal year 2018 budget, which runs from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. We are writing to give our residents a summary of the city’s financial condition and an updat…

Updated 7 years, 1 month ago
Destruction of trees in county park inexcusable

This letter is in response to recent articles in the Daily Inter Lake and Whitefish Pilot regarding the deliberate destruction of old-growth trees in a county park on Whitefish Lake. Such actions are, to me and hop…

Updated 7 years, 1 month ago
Hair Hut owner says thanks to 'client friends'

Lani Johnson and staff from the Hair Hut would like to say a big thank you to all our “client friends” and visitors who stopped by our open house on July 30 — celebrating Lani’s 50 years in business. What a turn ou…