Letters to the Editor
Want to read a letter to the editor of Whitefish Pilot? See below to view their letters.
Chairlift: Six little words
Last Wednesday was one of those sublime days on The Big.
Government data collection on students an overreach
The Office of Public Instruction currently collects nearly 200 points of information for school accreditation, funding, and assessing the quality of programming and student well-being.
Objections to CSKT Water Compact
The Montana Water Court heard oral arguments on various pending motions on Nov. 14-15 at the Russell Smith Federal Courthouse in Missoula.
Housing a crisis of identity
One day in the near future we will wake up and live in a Flathead County shaped by decisions made today. What will our future spaces look like? Who will live there? We face a housing crisis, but we also face a cris…
The major problem of low growth estimation
On Nov. 21, 2024, the Whitefish Community Development Board reviewed the draft demographics section for Whitefish’s ongoing Growth Policy update - Vision Whitefish 2045.
Stop the sprawl
I co-founded the organization Shelter WF-a housing organization focused on changing policy at a local and state level-after the anger and grief I felt during the pandemic boom.
Big Mountain Ski Club thankful for a grand ski swap
Who's excited for opening day this week?
Participate in the Glacier National Park stewardship process
We in Western Montana are lucky enough to have Glacier National Park in our backyard.
The flag
Okay everyone, it is time to put your flags away.
Green and Gold: In this together
In this season of gratitude, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to our educators, students, parents, trustees, administrators, and the community for their shared contributions that are integral to the success of ou…
Commissioners must promote workforce housing
Since the Legislature passed SBs 245, 323 and 382, our family has been actively involved with the City of Columbia Falls in updating their growth management plans and development codes.
In a nutshell: Protecting crucial public benefit programs
Critical public benefit programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Medicaid face an uncertain future with the change of administration in January.
Nov. 13 letters: Corrupt compensation, peace among politics
Nov. 13 letters: Corrupt compensation, peace among politics, what now?
EPA trashing sound CFAC cleanup strategies
EPA’s (Environmental Protection Agency) trash can is full of discarded cleanup strategies marked as “Too Costly,” “Too Risky,” “Good, But Not Top Rated,” “Why Do More, When Less is, OK?”
Sheehy must apologize for Native American remarks
As Montanans, the undersigned persons and groups fully support the compelling letter of Chairman Michael Dolson of the Confederate Salish and Kootenai Tribe calling Tim Sheehy, candidate for the U.S. Senate, to acc…
Letters to editor Oct. 30
Observation vs. accusation; Send Dave to the Senate; Take our future seriously.