Letters to the Editor
Want to read a letter to the editor of Whitefish Pilot? See below to view their letters.
Chairlift: Six little words
Last Wednesday was one of those sublime days on The Big.
The reality of Whitefish’s visitor economy
As the organization responsible for managing and strategically strengthening Whitefish’s visitor economy for the benefit of our community, Explore Whitefish often hears a common refrain: Whitefish is booming.
Vote to restore stability
To Senator Daines, Senator Sheehy and Rep. Zinke:
A plea to Congressmen Daines, Sheehy and Zinke
I appreciated your pledges to work hard for your Montana constituents, so now I ask that you have town hall meetings around our beautiful state.
The most nefarious
There's so much troubling information and disinformation and non-dating and overwhelming. Not only the U.S., but the entire world these days.
Finding half way
On a frigid Helena morning, somewhere south of minus twenty degrees, a bus load of residents from Ennis, MT were dropped off at the capitol.
A happy ending for Blacktail rescue effort
Recently, my friend went missing at Blacktail Mountain Ski Area.
Cut the budget, not the Constitution
I had the opportunity, during the second Bush administration, to engage in advising struggling democracies in a project then known as “democracy building."
Good ol’ Montana freedom
Witness the dominant “freedom” party and its ironic proposals in Helena: BAN personal choice with one’s own body, IMPOSE dominant religious beliefs, OUTLAW anti-viral medicines, BAR bathrooms to keep out "undesirab…
People rely on the rMNA vaccines developed for Covid 19. Both Moderna and Pfizer clinics produce these vaccines.
In a Nutshell: Protecting Medicaid expansion in Montana
In February 2025, the Montana House of Representatives passed House Bill 245, a bipartisan effort to remove the sunset clause from Montana's Medicaid expansion program.
Visiting with friends
Early one morning a lobbyist for a trade union enters my office.
Montana’s Nuclear Future
Montana has historically played an important part in US energy transitions throughout its one hundred thirty-five-year history.
Whitefish Council compensation could be funded by a tax increase
If you voted “yes” to city council compensation on the November ballot, did you ever consider it would have to be funded with a tax increase?
Letter to Montana citizens and businesses that rely on Amtrak
On Jan. 20, the Federal Railroad Administration released a report to Congress titled, “Amtrak Daily Long-Distance Service Study.”
Save our wolves
Wildlife management has no place in politics.