Thursday, March 27, 2025

Police Calls: Dog owner needs to utilize leash

| March 19, 2025 1:00 AM

The police calls section does not reflect the nature or the volume of the calls received by local law enforcement. 

March 4

A dog was lost, found and returned to his owner. 

Someone was cited for open container on Central Avenue. 

The caller said he witnessed one customer throw another customer out of a business on Central Avenue and the person thrown appeared to have been injured. 

March 5

The female driver of a gold Subaru was seen weaving in and out of the lanes on Highway 93, being aggressive and following a white truck. When addressed, the driver said the truck was brake checking her and forced her to the shoulder to avoid a collision. 

The caller reported being approached aggressively by a large poodle on River Lakes Drive. He described the experience as unsettling and is concerned for the safety of his children. The owner agreed to keep the dog secure. 

After seeing a “homeless guy” trying to sell things on the corner within city limits, the caller wanted to know about the city’s rules on selling things. 

Two vehicles had a non-injury accident on Baker Avenue. 

A disturbance happened on Lion Mountain Loop Road involving an angry neighbor shooting a gun. 

A male holding a cane and wearing all green with snow boots stood in the crosswalk for 20 minutes and almost got hit by a car. 

March 6

A white Labrador-poodle mix on River Lakes Drive reportedly latched on to a woman’s arm, ripping through her jacket and breaking her watch band. 

The owner of a Jeep was locked out of the vehicle and called the police for help. 

A man was advised not to sleep in the parking lot on 19th Street any longer. 

The driver of an Oldsmobile rear ended the driver of a Subaru Outback at the intersection of Big Mountain Road and East Lakeshore Drive. 

The caller backed into the neighbor’s vehicle on Skyles Place. 

The driver seen driving onto the shoulder on Highway 93 and swerving back and forth from yellow line to shoulder was thought to be driving under the influence. 

Two males and two females were trespassing in a hot tub at a location on Wisconsin Avenue. The matter was one for the HOA.