Friday, March 28, 2025


| March 19, 2025 1:00 AM

The city council has decided on a preliminary compensation package and plans for a public hearing and comment are set to follow in the next few weeks. Interestingly, they decided to abandon their efforts to secure full health care benefits at the cost of over $11,000 each year in lieu of cash. This results in each councilor receiving a salary of over $14,000 a year and the mayor over 17,000 a year. 

Those of us citizens who have been participating in the process so far have repeatedly suggested this new compensation be accompanied by term limits. This request has not been heard. Additionally, there is no oversight provision whatsoever. We have only one more chance to participate in this process as a community before it's a done deal. I strongly encourage citizens to attend the public hearing yet to be scheduled.  Remember we are paying this bill! 

Beth Sobba, Whitefish