Police Calls: Trailers blocking traffic
The police calls section does not reflect the nature or the volume of the calls received by local law enforcement.
Feb. 10
The reckless driver of a small Ford pickup was seen passing vehicles unsafely on the right and left.
The caller was surprised to find a pistol inside a vehicle he purchased at a used car auction.
A disorderly man was yelling at the caller’s guests.
A wellness check was requested for an elderly man seen walking with a walker or a cart along Second Street.
Feb. 11
A man was seen slumped over in a vehicle that was not in a parking space, for a couple hours with the motor running and the blinker on.
Reportedly, a construction crew spilled asbestos all over a location on Second Street. They also hit the caller’s refrigerator.
Feb. 18
Trailers were parked illegally in a parking lot, ignoring the posted signs. They were stickered.
A construction trailer on Edgewood was also stickered for being parked without moving for two weeks.
A black and tan dog was loose on Wisconsin Avenue, then was seen on the ice on whitefish lake near the Lodge.
The driver of a GMC Canyon was unable to maintain his lane on Highway 40. He was also weaving back and forth and nearly caused a couple crashes on Highway 93.
A non-injury hit and run accident occurred in a parking lot on Spokane Avenue.
Another motor vehicle accident happened at a location on Second Street. Involved parties exchanged information.