Halloween in Whitefish didn't disappoint this year.
Caton Fought and her grandmother Cindy Miner cross the road mounted on chickens on Halloween. (Kelsey Evans/Whitefish Pilot)
Ember, a pumpkin, trick or treats on Central Ave on Oct. 31. (Kelsey Evans/Whitefish Pilot)
Animals and Noah's Ark at First Presbyterian Church in Whitefish on Halloween. (Kelsey Evans/Whitefish Pilot)
Witches brew up cauldrons of candy at Stumptown Art Studio's Hallowen haunted house. (Kelsey Evans/Whitefish Pilot)
Erik Barnes spooks the streets of Whitefish on Halloween. (Kelsey Evans/Whitefish Pilot)
Egg Blaine Carr and chicken Annie Nixon on Halloween in Whitefish. (Kelsey Evans/Whitefish Pilot)
The Gambler rescue team comes to save long-dead skeletons off a broken chairlift, winning first place in Whitefish's Halloween costume contest. (Kelsey Evans/Whitefish Pilot)