Saturday, September 07, 2024

Police Calls: ‘The issue isn’t the bear, it’s the people…’

| May 29, 2024 1:00 AM

The police calls section is presented for entertainment purposes and does not reflect the nature or the volume of the calls received by local law enforcement.

May 10

  • Two vehicles backing out of separate driveways bumped into each other on Salmon Run.

  • It was reported that four political signs were removed from a neighbor's property.

  • Three nail guns and DeWalt tools that were reported as stolen were located at a pawn shop in Kalispell.

  • A driver on Lakeshore Drive was warned for careless driving.

  • The male on Central Avenue who was yelling, arguing with, and threatening people was counseled on his behavior.

  • A Yorkie puppy was found on Flathead Avenue and turned over to the police.

  • There was an intoxicated male standing in the middle of Second Street with his dog. He was yelling through a traffic cone and he was counseled.

  • There was no emergency at a location on Highway 93. Someone just accidentally hit the panic button.

  • The driver of a black SUV was “all over the road.”

  • The caller reported a bunch of guys fighting outside in a parking lot on Colorado Avenue.

  • A man was cited for disorderly conduct when he harassed people by yelling and screaming at them on Central Avenue and he made it difficult for them to get into their vehicles.

May 11

  • It was thought that the two Canadian geese who were trying to cross Highway 93 with about a dozen babies would cause a traffic hazard.

  • It was unclear whether the woman who was dancing in the highway was trying to get hit or not, although she appeared to purposefully walk in front of a truck.

  • Someone called the police when he locked his friend in a dog cage and could not get him out.

  • A couple in their 50s who had been drinking each fell on Central Avenue and hit the ground hard enough to cause injuries.

  • A vehicle in a parking lot was playing music very loudly at 3:42 a.m.

May 12

  • A disgruntled patient left the hospital without shoes and pants half on, swearing.

  • Someone was trying to listen to an audiobook and accidentally dialed 911.

  • There were two dogs running in the road on Baker Avenue.

  • The caller reported that a Jeep-type vehicle almost went into the ditch after driving in the wrong lane of traffic.

  • After the person on Colorado Avenue picked up all the trash spilled from a dumpster by a bear, he said, “the issue isn’t the bear but the people not locking the dumpster.”

  • It was unknown why, after a man had a friendly interaction with two women at a location on Central Avenue, one woman pushed a beer bottle into the man’s teeth, chipping them. The location is looking at surveillance footage to identify the females.

  • A male who had been drinking would not get out of the caller’s vehicle. He kicked the seats and tried to break the car windows. He was said to be acting crazy and violent.

  • The caller reported seeing three young people, who were yelling and very intoxicated, get into a vehicle and head north.