Saturday, September 07, 2024

Police Calls: Man in sleeping bag causes unrest

| May 22, 2024 1:00 AM

The police calls section is presented for entertainment purposes and does not reflect the nature or the volume of the calls received by local law enforcement.

May 6

  • A caller was unsure how to get a disruptive friend to leave.

  • Workers had parked along the road on Park Avenue and the caller didn’t think they should be allowed to park that way.

  • When a red Toyota was unable to start or move, its front end was blocking 19th Street. It was moved out of the road shortly.

  • Construction vehicles were parked in the bike lane on Wisconsin Avenue and the caller didn’t know if that was legal as they were obstructing the view of the road.

  • A male on Baker Avenue was standing in the way of another vehicle that was trying to leave the parking lot. The male seemed like he was trying to egg the driver on to hit him.

  • After a reckless driver on Highway 93 nearly forced the caller off the road, he followed and screamed at the caller.

  • A driver in a black Toyota with a mirrored plate was driving a little fast on 13th Street.

  • There is confusion over the location of two cats on Brimstone Drive after a neighbor was concerned about their welfare when a sitter was caring for the cats.

May 7

  • The driver of a green sedan was cited for careless driving on Wisconsin Avenue. He was speeding, crossing the centerline, violated a stop sign and failed to use a turn signal.

  • Someone reported hearing at least a dozen gunshots near Eighth Street. The caller was advised of training at the shooting range.

  • A gray and white pitbull was lost.

  • The Public Works Department was called when a manhole cover was about broken in half on Third Street.

  • A reckless driver on Church Drive was all over the road. The white truck was seen driving into oncoming traffic and swerving back onto the shoulder.

  • Someone on Baker Avenue found a black Labrador and offered to keep the dog for a short time while attempting to locate the owner.

  • It appeared that a homeless person was yelling at a couple outside a location on Central Avenue.

May 8

  • A woman walking her dog was made to feel uncomfortable by the presence of a male in a sleeping bag all sprawled out under the bridge.

  • A groundskeeper called and wanted to have a Toyota, that was parked on the side of the road, towed.

  • The driver of a red Subaru was reported as being reckless.

  • There was bear activity near a trash can on Iowa Avenue.

May 9

  • Two work trucks had an accident without injuries on Baker Avenue.

  • In an ongoing case of unhappy neighbors, it was reported that every time the neighbor sees the caller, she screams and honks her horn.

  • After smoking heavily in a hotel room, a man was not welcome to come back.

  • After being stuck by a car on Wisconsin Avenue, a deer needed to be dispatched. This is the second time law enforcement was called to do this in two days on Wisconsin Avenue.

  • A backpack was reported as stolen from a vehicle parked at a location on Highway 93.

  • There was concern for the well being of a dog in a parked vehicle on Skyles Place.

  • A dog on Kalispell Avenue reportedly escaped his yard and attacked and injured the caller’s leashed cat.

  • While standing outside a business on Highway 93, someone reported hearing a loud gunshot.

  • There is a reportedly ongoing issue of noisy apartment dwellers on Colorado Avenue.