Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Looking Back: Fourteen-year-old Costain wins in Utah

| May 22, 2024 1:00 AM

A look back at past Pilot articles by Julie Engler

50 Years Ago

May 23, 1974

Children who live less than three miles from school would not receive school bus services during the 1974 school year. Faced with the problem of overcrowded school buses, the District 44 school board decided to strictly enforce the so-called “three-mile limit.” The state partially reimbursed the local district for transporting children who live three miles or more from school. Costs of bussing those who live closer than three miles was borne entirely by the local district.

40 Years Ago

May 24, 1984

With the conditions of the streets in Whitefish in a “disastrous stage,” it would take about 90 years to rebuild them. A committee called a town meeting to propose three alternatives for street reconstruction and get comments from residents on what they would prefer. The three options presented were based on a 15-year plan with about 12 blocks of streets rebuilt each year. The committee and acting city administrator Sid Fredrickson estimated that nearly 11 miles of the city’s 24 miles of streets needed to be rebuilt.

30 Years Ago

May 19, 1994

Dry warm weather turned to showers as a series of Pacific fronts pushed through Western Montana. A fierce storm brought rain, hail and howling winds to the Flathead Valley, uprooting trees and blowing down power lines, cutting power to many areas. The brief but intense storm blew in at a rapid pace from the southwest and produced wind gusts up to 37 mph and half inch hail, according to Butch Roberts at the National Weather Service at Glacier Park International Airport.

20 Years Ago

May 20, 2004

The upward spiral of construction prices was the reason for Central School to call for new bids on their construction project. The first round of bids came in at $1.4 million over budget, forcing the school district to ask for a second round of bids which came in within the budget. “Now we’re in budget,” explained Superintendent Jerry House. Any money not used directly in Central School construction would be used to buy school furniture such as desks and chairs.

10 Years Ago

May 23, 2014

Whitefish High School freshman Parkin Costain wrapped up his competitive ski season with a win at the IFSA finals in Snowbird, Utah. The 14-year-old skied smart in the unpredictable conditions, reining back his airs and speed enough to stay on his feet and hold on to first. Costain held himself to a remarkable standard this winter, winning three of his five major competitions in Fernie. B.C., Grand Targhee, Wyoming, and the Snowbird finals. He placed second at Lake Louise, Alberta and fourth at an earlier Snowbird event.