Saturday, February 08, 2025

Police Calls: Staying limber is not illegal

| May 8, 2024 1:00 AM

The police calls section is presented for entertainment purposes and does not reflect the nature or the volume of the calls received by local law enforcement.

April 18

  • A man who has been stretching and doing toe touches in a parking lot on Seventh Street for years was asked to do his exercising across the street. The caller said although the man was doing nothing illegal, they were concerned about young girls in the area.

  • An approximately 75-pound dog fell head-first into a pipe hole in the ground and got stuck. The owner of the dog was not home but the dog was removed from the hole and a neighbor stayed outside with the dog on Seventh Street.

  • A red Chevy had been parked for two weeks and it was about to be towed.

  • The caller wanted to let law enforcement know he had just run a school bus stop sign.

  • Reportedly, a kid on a bike tried to swing a wooden hatchet at the caller.

  • A hit and run accident occurred on Central Avenue that caused damage to the victim’s left rear panel. Ninety minutes later, another hit and run on Baker Avenue resulted in minor damage.

  • There was a suspicious male on Central Avenue blocking traffic and preventing a woman from driving away.

  • Police took a puppy from a woman on Wisconsin Avenue who said she found the dog two days ago in Evergreen and had been trying to find the owners. The pup was a heeler mix, just 6-8 weeks old.

April 19

  • An older white camper van was found abandoned in the ditch on Edgewood Drive. 

  • A black Labrador mix and a blue heeler were reported for aggressively going after other leashed dogs in Depot Park.

  • The owner of a silver truck that was parked overnight in a lot with no overnight parking said he would move it ASAP.

  • A person who lost his dog on Second Street requested help from law enforcement to help find the pup.

April 20

  • Teenagers on top of the parking garage were reportedly throwing things at passing cars and yelling profanities.

  • Someone on Texas Avenue heard two or three gunshots followed by another handful of shots. 

  • A male with a camera around his neck was starting a fight inside a location on Central Avenue. Once on the sidewalk, he remained physical and was back-talking other males.

  • There was a party on Wisconsin Avenue with yelling and loud music that resulted in a noise complaint.

April 21

  • The traffic lights on the pole on Second Street were turned sideways and the caller said one of them wea bent so that one could not see it from the turning lane.

  • An older female apparently took a bottle of ibuprofen from a location on Highway 93.

April 23

  • The caller said they found 8-10 hypodermic needles on the ground near the Swift Creek Trailhead and was worried someone would step on them or an animal would get into them. She disposed of them properly.

  • The driver of a small gray pickup truck was reported for driving erratically on the shoulder and over the centerline. The driver also cut it close when he drove in front of an oncoming semi.

  • A transient male was outside on Baker Avenue, drinking a tall boy.

  • Two large, furry dogs were left in a gold SUV for over an hour on Miles Avenue. The dogs were panting.

April 25

  • Two dogs showed up at the caller's home. One was a female German Shepherd and the other a white male Maltese. The caller put them in the same kennel and said they appeared to be friends.

  • Two black Labradors were seen chasing wildlife near a pond on Whitefish Stage.

  • A woman was walking with her granddaughter and her dog when two dogs on Brimstone Drive knocked her down.

  • A dog owner came to the station to pick up his dogs.

  • What was considered suspicious was just a man doing an ice plunge in the lake.