Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Muldown Elementary 2024 Kindergarten Circus a delight to see

| June 11, 2024 6:30 PM

The Muldown Elementary 2024 Kindergarten Circus put on a fun show last Friday. 

Ringmasters Wilder Connelly and Shale Menssen bravely introduced 12 acts. 

First, kindergarten monkeys took to the circus ring. They were followed by tightrope walkers, lions, jugglers, seals, acrobats, clowns, strong people, bear, elephants, the marching band and last but not least, the ballon people.

    Lions bear their big claws on the stand at the Circus on Friday. (Kelsey Evans/Whitefish Pilot)

    The tightrope walkers try to stay balanced while they hop and go backwards down the line. (Kelsey Evans/Whitefish Pilot)
    The seals clap and perform tricks on the pond in the Muldown gym. (Kelsey Evans/Whitefish Pilot)
    The kindergarten jugglers were a frenzy of balls and flags at the Circus on Friday. (Kelsey Evans/Whitefish Pilot)

    The strong people bend metal and lift heavy weights at the Circus on Friday. (Kelsey Evans/Whitefish Pilot)
    Clowns go head to head at the Muldown Elementary Circus on Friday. (Kelsey Evans/Whitefish Pilot)
    The bears buzz around a jar of honey at the Circus. (Kelsey Evans/Whitefish Pilot)