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Police Calls: Downing case of PBR in bathroom

| February 28, 2024 1:00 AM

The police calls section is presented for entertainment purposes and does not reflect the nature or the volume of the calls received by local law enforcement.

Feb. 13

  • A black Ranger and a blue Silverado had a non-injury accident at a location on Highway 93.

  • The 18-wheeler that has been parked in the same spot on Pine Avenue for four months will be towed shortly.

  • The caller wanted to complain of speeding vehicles, most notably logging trucks that come plowing down the road on Second Street. The caller would like to allow patrol cars to park in her driveway to run stationary radar.

  • Reportedly, someone hit a retaining wall on Suncrest Drive and did some damage.

Feb. 14

  • A car was seen driving really fast and driving with no lights near Park Avenue four times.

Feb. 16

  • There was a traffic hazard on 13th Street when a hammer compactor fell off a white flatbed truck. The caller said he thinks it would take at least four guys to load it back up.

  • A youth on his way to school was bitten by a dog.

  • A male driver was possibly intoxicated as he drove head-on into traffic and swerved all over Big Mountain Road. The caller had to honk to try to keep the reckless driver in his lane.

  • A witness said he saw an older green Subaru back into a vehicle several times and possibly hit the vehicle in front of it as well, during a hit-and-run accident at a location on Central Avenue.

  • Some tires were slashed on a vehicle at a location on Highway 93.

  • A woman asked police for a welfare check on her house, as she was expecting her roommate to have moved out.

Feb. 17

  • The caller said traffic was really starting to back up for miles on Big Mountain Road

  • Police found a man in the parking garage bathroom after it was time for the facility to be closed along with a mostly empty case of PBR beer. Officers escorted the man out of the bathroom and confiscated the case of beer.

  • The person in charge of guarding the hot tub was calling from Pennsylvania, trying to get a man and a woman to leave the area. They were not responding to voice commands to get out, so the remote guardian asked police to remove the pair from the hot tub. 

Feb. 19

  • A black Chevy with Texas plates was parked super close to the stop sign on Dakota Avenue. It was causing the bus to be unable to make the turn.

  • The caller was trying to capture the loose dog on Lupfer Avenue. The dog was a tri-colored, short-haired dog who had no desire to be caught and ran away.

  • An Australian Shepherd had been wandering around for an hour on Central Avenue. Reports say it was the same dog as before, still running. 

  • Two loose dogs were causing a traffic hazard on Fir Avenue.