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Police Calls: Alcohol-fueled fights, cow at large

| October 25, 2023 1:00 AM

The police calls section is presented for entertainment purposes and does not reflect the nature or the volume of the calls received by local law enforcement.

Oct. 5

The driver of a Ford Focus couldn’t keep it between the lines on Highway 93 and he was also tailgating.

A neighbor on Sixth Street said the dog next door has been barking all day.

An older man was seen crawling east on Depot Street, yet the caller did not think the male was in distress.

An intoxicated male who had been drinking wine was asked to leave a location on Highway 93 after he became angry and started yelling.

A person wearing black pants and a black shirt reportedly stole some lighters and other small items from a location on Highway 93.

Oct. 6

A vehicle reportedly caused damage to a car wash by running over the dryer counter.

One vehicle had damage to the rear axle and the other had damage to the front end when a Ford and a Honda experienced a motor vehicle accident at a location on Highway 93. No one was injured.

Although there were cones blocking the parking spots in anticipation of a delivery, the drivers of two vehicles moved the cones and parked there anyway.

A really strong gas smell coming from the fireplace at a location on Highway 93 caused the caller to contact the police and evacuate the building.

The stop sign at the entrance to the dog park was on the ground and appeared to have been stuck by a car.

The bears were active with the trash cans on First Street.

Oct. 7

The caller was concerned about vehicles speeding up and down Second Street and people running the stop sign on Dodge Lane.

The caller reported that it is possible a license plate was stolen this year from his vehicle that is parked in the driveway.

A cone and temporary border were put in place after someone reported a big hole near the middle of the walking bridge.

Someone called to report seeing a group of 20-year-olds drinking in public.

An intoxicated male punched another male at the Oktoberfest. The two stayed in the area arguing, yet denied any fight took place.

After accidentally dialing 911, the caller said her new iPhone was doing weird things.

Two dogs on Sixth Street had reportedly been barking for an hour at 12:30 a.m.

Oct. 8

A couple men fly up and down the road on dirt motorcycles and speed through the stop signs and walkways on Texas Avenue. The caller didn’t want them to get in trouble; he just wanted them to slow down and be more courteous.

Reportedly, people are dumping trash next to the caller’s dumpster and he would like them to stop.

Chairs and a chest of drawers were among the furniture that was in the intersection on Second Street.

The guests at a location on Third Street wouldn’t quiet down for the night. The caller said they had been drinking and arguing for over two hours and he had asked them to be quiet multiple times.

Oct. 9

An older boat had been parked on Park Avenue for about a month. The owner was contacted and will be moving the boat.

The caller lost a black and white, speckled dog without a collar or a chip.

Oct. 10

A gray Dodge pickup truck was blowing through stop signs, slamming on the brakes, speeding and driving erratically.

A Hyundai and a Toyota had a minor accident on Sixth Street and no one was injured.

It appeared that the caller’s car that was parked on Boulders Road had been swiped by another vehicle, as there were scratches and paint transfers on the side.

A black and white, collie-type dog was found on Highway 93 with no collar or tags.

A black cow got out of its fenced area on Edgewood Drive and the caller was afraid it would make its way to the road and be hit by a car before the owner could come to retrieve her.

A male in the lobby of a business on Third Street was refusing to leave.