Friday, December 27, 2024

Letters to the editor Oct. 25

| October 25, 2023 12:00 AM

Vote for Dugan

I am writing this letter to encourage you to vote for Nathan Dugan for Whitefish City Council in the upcoming election. During my time on City Council, I saw Nathan appear before us numerous times. He always presented Council with thoughtful, well-research, and meaningful topics. Nathan is an extremely bright and can speak intelligently on just about any topic that may come before Council.

As a young professional in the Flathead Valley, Nathan would bring an invaluable viewpoint to the Council that will provide a great benefit to Whitefish. If you want someone who truly understands the nature of the issues that Whitefish is facing and has the work ethic and gumption to try to solve them, then I encourage you to join me in November and cast your vote for Nathan.

— Ryan Hennen, Whitefish

New perspectives and innovative solutions

I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for Nathan Dugan, who is running for a seat on Whitefish city council. The spirit of Whitefish, in my eyes, has always been about finding that balance of work and play, caring for and enjoying the amazing public lands we’re surrounded by, and being connected to our neighbors and our community. Nathan’s commitment to promoting affordable housing, reducing traffic congestion, engaging community, and protecting our environment makes him an ideal candidate to represent Whitefish’s best interests.

Nathan comes with a wealth of knowledge and experience that our City Council desperately needs. In his work with Shelter Whitefish, state legislative sessions, and with Whitefish’s Climate Action Committee, he has proven to be dedicated, knowledgable, and always open to learning more. He represents the experience of so many of us who want to keep Whitefish accessible to the working folks - the lifties, the service - and retail-industry workers, the young professionals, and first responders - who make Whitefish such an incredible place to be.

I doubt that anyone reading this wants to live in a community overrun by sprawl, traffic, and dwindling green spaces. For voters that are interested in shaping Whitefish to be a community that works for all of us, Nathan Dugan is the candidate who is working hard to establish Whitefish as a place where we can all afford to live, work, and play. I’m looking forward to voting for him in the election on November 7th, and I urge you to cast one of your votes for him as well.

— Kate Berry, Whitefish

False knowledge

Hello folks. It’s that time again, election time.

I like to think of myself as a well-informed voter. I parce the local and world news. I read and reread candidate’s statements, and I study at great length the issues and measures we are to decide on.

Every election cycle I ask myself if the status quo should go or stay. Will new blood be the cure for our ails or at least begin to bring a fresh perspective and new tools to work through our city’s “issues.” Can positive change happen in a reasonable time, measured in something I’ll be able to understand and realize?

Does your vision for how our cities and counties need to flourish align with the candidates’ visions and the measures that are to be voted on? You need to inform yourself and you need to do it before you cast your ballot.

Please join me and the hundreds of informed voters who vote their mind and not what someone tells them to.

Beware of false knowledge — it is more dangerous than ignorance, said one George Bernard Shaw.

— Skeeter Johnston, Whitefish