Saturday, July 27, 2024

Letters to the editor Oct. 18

| October 18, 2023 12:00 AM

Incumbent candidates have proven leadership

Whitefish City Council election ballots will soon be arriving in your mailbox. The next four years will be critical for the future of Whitefish as our city leaders tackle the revision of the Growth Policy, the city’s plan for the future.

Now, more than ever, it is vital that we have steady hands at the wheel to guide us as we grow, and grow we will.

Incumbent councilors, Frank Sweeney, Rebecca Norton, and Steve Qunell, all have the experience, knowledge, and dedication to provide the solid leadership our city requires and our citizens expect and deserve. All three have given freely of their time to come to council meetings prepared, ready to roll up their selves and get to work. All three have volunteered for a variety of boards, commissions, and committees, all of which make Whitefish a better place to live and work. All three have demonstrated their commitment to the city of Whitefish and its future.

When my ballot arrives, I‘ll be marking it for Frank Sweeney, Rebecca Norton, and Steve Qunell and I encourage you to do the same.

— Richard Hildner is a former Whitefish City Councilor.

How out of touch is Sen. Daines?

As an independant voter, I try to find the middle ground that our polarized politicians agree on.

But I’m losing hope with Senator Daines. An unflinching Trump supporter, now he clearly defies the overwhelming view of Montanans. He has withheld support of the popular made-in-Montana Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act, which 84% of Montanans support, and keeps pushing his bill to eliminate wilderness study area protections, which has the backing of just 6% of Montanans.

Who does he represent?

— David Martin, Whitefish