Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Legals for October, 4 2023

| October 4, 2023 12:00 AM

NO. 2716 Request for Proposals Whitefish Safe Street for All (SS4A) Action Plan USDOT Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant RFP Issued: Wednesday, September 20th, 2023 Proposals due: Thursday, October 12, 2023 4:00 P.M. Contact: Karin Hilding, Engineering & Sustainability Project Manager Phone Number: (406) 863-2450 Email Address: ANNOUNCEMENT In accordance with Title 18, Chapter 8 (MCA) and adopted City policy for consultant selection, The City of Whitefish, Montana (City) is seeking proposals from qualified consulting engineering firms to provide consulting services for the Whitefish Safe Streets for All (SS4A) Action Plan. PROJECT OVERVIEW  Whitefish is a rapidly growing community in northwest Montana with a population of approximately 8,700 people. The town is one of the major recreation centers of western Montana, surrounded by the Whitefish Mountain Ski Resort, Glacier National Park, pristine lakes, and a wide variety of outdoor recreation opportunities.  The City of Whitefish seeks to procure a qualified professional engineering firm to provide professional engineering services to improve roadway safety by significantly reducing or eliminating roadway fatalities and serious injuries through the development of a Safety Action Plan. The plan will focus on all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation users, motorists, micro mobility users, and commercial vehicle operators. The Safety Action Plan must include the components laid out by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) in the SS4A grant. Components of a SS4A action plan can be found on Table 1 in the SS4A 2022 NOFO found at The Whitefish SS4A grant application is available to review at:  PROJECT TASKS Task 1: Stakeholder and Public Engagement The consultant will prepare a plan for implementing an equitable public engagement process. The consultant should be prepared to host two public meetings. Robust engagement with the public and relevant stakeholders is needed. While in-person public engagement is preferred, virtual engagement methods can be utilized as needed. The consultant will help to create a SS4A Task Force of stakeholders. There should be at least three meetings with the SS4A Task Force.  Task 2: Data Review The consultant will collect and review existing programs, policies and transportation planning reports and provide a summary of current efforts to address transportation safety.  Task 3: Crash Data Safety Analysis The consultant will collect and review crash, traffic, and roadway data for at least the most recent 5-year period to understand critical safety issues and provide insight into trends, and patterns of transportation safety. The consultant may also reference the data analyzed as part of the 2022 Whitefish Transportation Plan.  Task 4: Transportation Equity Review The consultant will perform a transportation equity review to better understand how current transportation systems, and services impact the lives of all users, including underserved and underrepresented communities. This should include an analysis of services that support safe and easy-to-use multimodal options, amenities that are accessible to all populations for reaching destinations independently. The plan will address missing shared use path connections, and crosswalk, transit stop, and ADA improvements. Visibility around crosswalks and transit stops, traffic calming, and carpooling/transit incentives will be addressed. Many of these issues were identified in the 2017 Connect Whitefish Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan.  Task 5: Safe Routes to School Review Many Whitefish transportation safety issues are related to school traffic. The SS4A Action Plan should include a focus on school traffic safety and measures to improve safety in school zones. The Whitefish School District has also identified traffic safety as a priority. Consideration may be given to converting low volume roads to designated school routes that prioritize biking and walking. Task 6: MDT Routes (Highway 93 and Wisconsin Avenue) Montana Highway 93 bisects the downtown area. Wisconsin Avenue bisects the northern half of town. The safety plan will address the 2022 Transportation Plan recommendations concerning corridor level multi-modal improvements (intersection improvements, center medians, access management) along MT Highway 93 South and Wisconsin Avenue.  Task 7: Implementation Plan and Programs  The project team will identify potential projects based on the results of Task 4, 5 and 6 and develop an Implementation Plan and recommendations for Education and Enforcement Programs. The Implementation Plan will recognize the needs of all users of the multimodal transportation system and include potential projects that are feasible and applicable for grant funding. The program should include conceptual infrastructure improvements with quantifiable costs.  Feasibility studies using quick-build strategies that inform permanent projects in the future may be included in the plan. More information on street design pilot tests using low cost, quick-build, temporary methods are available on the SS4A project website.  THE PROJECT BUDGET The city received $160,000 in federal funding towards the SS4A Action Plan. The City of Whitefish provided additional funds for total not to exceed amount of $200,000 for professional services.  REQUIRED SERVICES The work to be performed by the consultant shall include, but not be limited to overall project management, transportation system analysis, public involvement, and coordination with MDT. The project will include: two public meetings, meetings with the SS4A Task Force, a City Council workshop, and meetings with City Staff. The draft plan deadline is December of 2024.  FORMAT AND CONTENT OF SUBMITTAL Five (5) copies of the firm’s proposal shall be submitted to the Whitefish Public Works Department, 418 E 2nd Street, PO Box 158, Whitefish, MT 59937, no later than 4:00 P.M. Thursday October 12, 2023. Faxed or emailed proposals will not be considered. In order to be responsive, all proposals must follow the format and contain information listed in this section. Unnecessarily elaborate brochures and other presentations beyond those sufficient to present a complete and effective response to the solution are not desired. 1. Cover Letter – Provide a one or two page letter of transmittal introducing your firm.  2. Overview – Provide an abstract of your firm’s submittal summarizing the nature of the proposal and demonstrating your understanding of the project. 3. Key Personnel – Include brief resumes of the staff who will be assigned to the project. Discuss experience and how experience will be applied to this project. 4. Experience – Provide details of up to three (3) prior projects your firm has completed which support the firm’s qualifications for this assignment. (3 pages max) 5. References – Provide names and telephone number of three (3) references who will attest to your firm’s ability to undertake and complete projects similar to this on time and on budget. EVALUATION, SELECTION PROCESS AND CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS Proposals will be ranked by a Selection Committee and the three highest ranked engineering firms will be invited to present their proposal to the committee. Contract negotiations will begin with the highest ranked firm as soon as possible following the interviews. If the City determines acceptable terms cannot be reached, the City will terminate negotiations and continue with the next highest ranked firm. The City may choose to expand an engineering contract resulting from this selection process to include similar or related work. Each proposal will be ranked according to the following criteria: 20% - Overall quality of the proposal including clarity of the submittal and responsiveness to the Request for Proposal 30% - Qualification of the personnel who would be assigned to the project and the project team’s experience, as a group, with design and construction oversight of municipal Public Works Projects. 30% - Prior experience with similar projects 10% - The firm’s past work for the City of Whitefish 10% - Office location for personnel who would be assigned to the project Questions may be referred to Karin Hilding – Engineering & Sustainability Project Manager, by telephone at (406) 863-2450, or by email at ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS • The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. • City reserves the right to request for clarification of information submitted and to request additional information from the firm(s). • If a contract and fee cannot be successfully negotiated with the selected firm, the City may choose to enter into negotiations with another prospective firm, or it may re-advertise for new proposals. • The successful consultant shall provide and maintain professional liability, workers compensations, property damage, error and omissions, and any additional lines of coverage required by the City. Sept. 27, and Oct. 4, 2023 MNAXLP __________________________

NO. 2717 NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR ON-CALL SIDEWALK SNOW REMOVAL CONTRACTOR The City of Whitefish is seeking bids by insured snow removal contactors for the upcoming season (November through April) to remove snow from public sidewalks on an on-call basis. The complete request for proposals packet can be found at Written proposals are due by 5 p.m. on Nov 3rd. Direct any questions to Code Compliance Officer Michael Samdahl at 406-863-1242 or  Oct. 4, 2023 MNAXLP __________________________

NO. 2718 WHITEFISH PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING   The regular meeting of the Whitefish Planning Board will be held in person on Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 6:00 PM at the Whitefish City Council Chambers in City Hall. Upon receipt of the recommendation from the Planning Board, the Whitefish City Council will hold subsequent public hearings on November 6, 2023. City Council meetings start at 7:10 PM and will also be held at City Hall.     1. A request by Holbrook McCartney and Ben Davis are requesting a zone change one two parcels to WR-2 (Two-Family Residential District). The properties are partially developed with a single-family home and are zoned WLR (One-Family Limited Residential District). The properties are located at 808 & 830 Edgewood Place and can be legally described as Lot 1 of Edgewood Place and Lot 6 of the First Addition to Whitefish Townsite Company’s Five Acre Tracts, Block 11 in Section 25, Township 31 Range 21, P.M.M., Flathead County. (WZC 23-05) Compton-Ring 2. A request by Holbrook McCartney and Ben Davis Planned Unit Development overlay over the entire project to develop a multi-family development of 42 units in two buildings. Eight of the units will be deed restricted for affordable housing. The properties are partially developed with a single-family home and are zoned WR-4 (High Density Residential) and WR-2 (Two-Family Residential), with an approved zone change (above). The properties are located at 808 & 830 Edgewood Place and can be legally described as Lot 1 of Edgewood Place and Lot 6 of the First Addition to Whitefish Townsite Company’s Five Acre Tracts, Block 11 in Section 25, Township 31 Range 21, P.M.M., Flathead County. (WPUD 23-02) Compton-Ring 3. A request by the City of Whitefish to for a zoning text amendment to combine the Board of Adjustment and Planning Board into a single Community Development Board, add LED lighting standards, update the Zoning Compliance Permit requirements and amend the following sections: §2-3, Board of Adjustment; §2-10-3, Architectural Review Committee, Membership; §11-2-3, Use Regulations; §11-3-14, Lots; §11-3-25, Outdoor Lighting Standards, §11-3-29, Water Quality Protection, §11-7-3, Zoning Administrator, §11-7-5, Board of Adjustment; §11-7-6, Appeals; §11-7-7, Variances; §11-7-9, Zoning Compliance Permit; §11-7-10, Water Quality Protection Permitting and Review; §14-4-7, Floodplain – Appeals; and §14-4-8, Floodplain – Variances. (WZTA 23-08) Compton-Ring/Taylor 4. A request by the City of Whitefish for a zoning text amendment to §11-3-23, Vendors, and §11-9-2, Definitions to reduce limits, public noticing, and other restrictions on food vendors in commercial zones. (WZTA 23-09) Taylor The Planning Board will also be holding a work session at 5:00 PM before the regular meeting to discuss the Growth Policy update.  Documents pertaining to these agenda items are available for review at the Whitefish Planning & Building Department, 418 E Second Street, during regular business hours. The full application packets along with public comments and staff report will be available on the City’s webpage: under Planning Board one week prior to the Planning Board public hearing date noted above. Inquiries are welcomed. Interested parties are invited to attend the meeting and make known their views and concerns. Comments in writing may be forwarded to the Whitefish Planning & Building Department at the above address prior to the hearing or via email: For questions or further information regarding these proposals, phone 406-863-2410.    WHITEFISH PLANNING BOARD  Steve Qunell, Chair  Oct. 4, 2023 MNAXLP __________________________

NO. 2719 CITY OF WHITEFISH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON  REVISIONS TO IMPACT FEE RATES AND POLICIES  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Monday October 16, 2023, at 7:10 p.m. at the Whitefish City Hall, 418 E. Second Street, the Whitefish City Council will conduct a public hearing for the purpose of receiving public input regarding changes to the Impact Fee rates and policies for the City of Whitefish. Individuals may appear in person or submit written testimony regarding the proposed changes. Written comments may be delivered or mailed to the Whitefish City Clerk, 418 E. 2nd St., P.O. Box 158, Whitefish, MT 59937, or emailed to The City of Whitefish contracted with TischlerBise, a consulting firm, to review the existing impact fees in accordance with state statutes. Based on the results of the Service Area Report and Impact Fee Study, the City is proposing to adjust impact fee rates, effective January 1, 2024. Additionally, certain policy changes are being proposed to address recently approved changes to state law, as well other policy changes to address timing of payments for deed restricted affordable housing developments. For more information, you may contact Lanie Gospodarek, Finance Director at (406) 863-2405 or by email at Oct. 4, 11, 2023 MNAXLP __________________________