Monday, December 16, 2024

Local Lions Club gets back to gardening to benefit community

The Whitefish Lions Club is seeing a recent surge in membership and participation within the long-standing organization. Historically, the local Lions have been involved in a wide array of service projects benefiting the Whitefish community, such as vision and hearing screenings, tackling diabetes and other programs assisting both young and old.

For many years, the Lion-sponsored Farm to School Garden addressed pressing needs such as teaching children about better nutrition, and providing healthy food for local schools. With guidance from Lion volunteers, the students not only planted their garden with seeds in the spring, but also harvested the fruits of their labor in the fall, alongside their Lion mentors. Lions Club President Greg Shaffer is credited in spearheading this successful project. The Lion-fueled effort eventually culminated in the Center for Sustainability and Entrepreneurship, currently located at Whitefish High School.

Recently, Lion Club volunteers met to continue the legacy. Through the organization Land to Hand, the club became aware of an opportunity from a generous, community-minded property owner. Josh Joubert offered the Lions an in situ, ready to plant, 2,500 square foot garden for their use. The Lions quickly jumped on the chance to once again grow vegetables for the community. Crops were planted by Lion members, and will be harvested by Whitefish Schools students in the fall, with the Lion's support. The produce will be used in Whitefish schools as well as will benefit the community in other areas.

The Whitefish Lions express thanks to Robin Kelson, Executive Director of the AERO organization, for generously providing numerous varieties of flower and vegetable seeds, Hans Helmstetler of Snow Country Gardens for sharing needed seed potatoes, and to Ellen Mering, Land to Hand's Farm to School AmeriCorps Coordinator, for supplying many quality vegetable starts for the cause.

The Whitefish Lions Club is welcoming all interested community members to become involved in giving back to the Whitefish community.

For further information, visit the Whitefish Montana Lions Club Facebook page.