Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Summer readers, Whitefish Credit Union together support nonprofit

by Whitefish Pilot
| September 7, 2022 1:00 AM

Because summer readers at Whitefish Community Library were up to a challenge set by the Whitefish Credit Union, the Whitefish Lake Institute has $1,503 more to further its mission.

Readers taking the challenge at the library could complete a row in their reading logs and earn a Whitefish sticker to place on a mural of Whitefish Lake. Whitefish Credit Union challenged readers to place 500 stickers on the mural and earn $1 per sticker for donation to the nonprofit, Whitefish Lake Institute. Readers easily surpassed that number, placing 1,503 stickers on the mural.

Upon hearing that, Josh Wilson of the Whitefish Credit Union noted that readers deserved to be recognized for all of their efforts, and therefore the Credit Union would honor each sticker placed, making the full amount of the pledge $1,503.

“This is so wonderful,” said librarian Mary Drew Powers. “I’m not surprised that our readers went over and above. This year they logged enough minutes to add up to more than nine months of reading. One young man alone placed 80 stickers on the mural. And the Whitefish Credit Union went over and above, tripling their pledge amount to acknowledge the readers’ dedication.”

The Whitefish Lake Institute (WLI) is a local nonprofit conducting research on Whitefish Lake and other bodies of water in Montana with the goal of providing scientific data and education to the public so that responsible decisions can be made about water resources. WLI has won many awards for its work. The readers enjoyed helping, and learned about the Whitefish Lake Institute and Whitefish Lake in the process.

“That’s really what the challenge is about,” said Powers. “It’s about contributing and belonging to your community. We loved being able to give our readers this opportunity, thanks to the Whitefish Credit Union.”

The mission of Whitefish Community Library is to bring people, information and ideas together to inspire lifelong learning, advance knowledge and strengthen our community. For more information, call 406-862-9914, or visit us at whitefishlibrary.org.