Saturday, July 27, 2024

Legals for October, 12 2022

| October 12, 2022 12:00 AM

No. 2661 CITY OF WHITEFISH, MONTANA REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE IMPACT FEES REVIEW AND UPDATE The City of Whitefish, Montana, is seeking Statements of Qualifications from firms experienced in the preparation and review of service area reports for impact fees for city provided services and/or facilities. The impact fees review and update shall be a written analysis for all seven impact fees that are currently imposed by the City and shall meet the requirements of Montana Code Annotated ยง7-6-1602. The City anticipates this study will provide recommendations for the City Council to consider continuing or discontinuing current impact fees. The consultant shall work with the Finance Director to ensure the plan can be updated or reviewed as needed by City staff in future years. Closing Date and Address: Written statements of qualifications shall be submitted to the City Clerk, City of Whitefish, 418 E. 2nd Street, Whitefish, Montana 59937 on or before 4:00 PM local time on the 19th day of October, 2022. Submittals shall include four (4) complete bound copies and one digital copy of all requested information, clearly identified as "Impact Fees Review and Update." For additional information or to receive the entire RFQ, please contact Lanie Gospodarek, Finance Director, City of Whitefish at the above address or by calling 406-863-2405 or sending an email to October 5, 12, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________

No. 2662 WHITEFISH BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING At a meeting of the Whitefish Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, November 1, 2022, at 6:00 PM, the Board will hold a public hearing on the item listed below. The Board of Adjustment meets in the Whitefish Council Chambers at City Hall, at 418 E. 2nd Street Whitefish, Montana. A request by Pete & Vivienne Akey for a variance to the side yard setback to remodel an existing garage in the side yard setback. The property is currently developed with a single-family home zoned WR-2 (Two-Family Residential District). The property is located at 1004 E 9th Street and can be legally described as Lot 4, Brant & Lenon Subdivision in Section 36, Township 31 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County. (WZV 22-06) Documents pertaining to this agenda item are available for review at the Whitefish Planning & Building Department, 418 E. 2nd Street, Whitefish, Montana 59937 during regular business hours. Inquiries are welcomed. Interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and make known their views and concerns. Comments, in writing, may be forwarded to the Whitefish Planning & Building Department at the above address prior to the hearing or via email: For questions or further information regarding this request, phone 406-863-2410. WHITEFISH BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Mike Kelley, Chair October 12, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________

No. 2655 Legal Notice The following is the ballot statement of an amendment to the Montana Constitution to be submitted to the voters of the state of Montana at the November 8, 2022 General Election. The text below is being published per the requirement of 13-27-311(2) MCA, by Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. 48 AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION PROPOSED BY THE LEGISLATURE AN ACT SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF MONTANA AN AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE II, SECTION 11, OF THE MONTANA CONSTITUTION TO EXPLICITLY INCLUDE ELECTRONIC DATA AND COMMUNICATIONS IN SEARCH AND SEIZURE PROTECTIONS. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MONTANA: C-48 is a constitutional amendment to amend Article II, section 11 of the Montana Constitution to specifically protect electronic data and communications from unreasonable search and seizures. [] YES on Constitutional Amendment C-48 [] NO on Constitutional Amendment C-48 September 7, 21, October 12, 26, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________