Friday, September 20, 2024

Muldown thanks community for support throughout year

| June 15, 2022 12:00 AM

At Muldown Elementary School, we benefit from our community’s commitment to raising well-rounded kids. On behalf of our Mullies, we wish to thank these organizations for their generous contributions to the health, safety, and educational experiences of our students all year long:

This winter — and every winter for the past 28 years -- the Glacier Nordic Club groomed a field near the school to help with our cross country ski unit. This year 166 fourth graders learned this life-long activity!

The Montana Trial Lawyers Association donated free bike helmets for us to hand out to needy students each fall and spring.

Logan Health Whitefish provided snacks and water for our fourth graders in the middle of their spring bike field trip to Smith Fields. What a great final lesson for our bike safety unit!

The Wave provided extensive swimming lessons for over 120 third graders and paid the transportation costs to get the students to the pool.

The Big Mountain Ski Club donated the transportation costs and arranged for discounted rentals and instructor time to make our Alpine Snow Sports Days happen for third and fourth graders.

DREAM Adaptive donated one to one teachers to help our exceptional athletes learn to ski or snowboard on our Big Mountain Ski Club Days.

Stumptown Ice Den donated ice time and free skate rentals.

Math Mentors showed students fun ways to use math.

Whitefish Trails made it possible for our students to get outside and learn on our local trails.

The O'Shaughnessy Center and the Whitefish Theater Company invited our students to experience theater arts.

Whitefish Police Department and Flathead County Sheriff's Posse K-9 officers donated time as guest speakers and provided a demonstration to 3rd grade students.

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks: Hooked on Fishing program provided students with opportunities to go fishing in the summer and winter and learn about fish in our region.

Writing Coaches of Montana supported fourth grade students through the writing process with their biographies for the Wax Museum.

Cribbage Coaches taught students how to have fun with math through cribbage.

Whitefish Education Foundation/Family Involvement Team supported our schools in multiple ways; backpack assistance program, classroom wishlists, snacks during state testing, Art with the Masters, Arts in April and much more. They also provided additional classroom funds for teachers to order essential supplies to begin the year.

Safeway, Sweet Peaks, Whitefish Community Library, North Valley Food Bank, Whitefish Fire and Police departments, Whitefish Credit Union, Stumptown Art Studio, Whitefish City Hall welcomed our second graders to visit during their walking community field trips.

Memories can be a fallible thing, therefore if we missed mentioning your organization above, we have not forgotten the impact you’ve had on our students. We are grateful to be part of this fantastic community. Your contributions are what makes Whitefish Schools exceptional. It truly does take a village. Thank you for your support, Whitefish!


Muldown Elementary Staff and Students