Monday, March 17, 2025

DEQ takes comments on proposal to install fuel tanks at new Town Pump

Staff Report | May 19, 2021 1:00 AM

The Montana Department of Environmental Quality is taking comments on a request by Town Pump to install new underground storage tanks at its under construction gas station at the corner of U.S. Highway 93 and Montana 40.

Town Pump is requesting to install six underground tanks at the site to contain gasoline and diesel. The size of the tanks range from 6,000 gallons up to 30,000 gallons.

DEQ has completed an environmental assessment of the proposal, which is available on its website at

According to DEQ, all the tanks are planned to be Xerxes Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic double-walled brine filled underground storage tanks and about 2,900 feet of double-walled piping is expected to be used.

Each tank and piping system will be continuously monitored, according to a notice by DEQ. Monitoring will be accomplished via internal tank probes, interstitial tank sensors, as well as continuous sensor monitoring in all containment sumps and electronic line leak detection with programmed shutdown.

The project includes construction of a 6,900-square-foot convenience store plus canopy with fueling station. Construction of the building was previously approved by the City of Whitefish.

DEQ has not identified any significant impacts associated with the proposed installation and operation of the tanks, according to the environmental assessment.

Following the public comment period, DEQ says it will consider and respond to substantive comments received in response to the draft EA. Then it will proceed with one of the following determinations: determine that an environmental impact statement is necessary, that the EA did not adequately reflect issues raised by the proposed action and that a revised EA is needed, or that further environmental analysis is not necessary and that the agency can proceed with adopting the draft EA as final and issue a final decision. The final agency decision may include modifications deemed necessary based on the analysis in the EA or public comments received. Notice of DEQ’s decision will be given to each person who submits written comment or requests a notice of the decision.

Comments on the proposed project or EA, can be sent to the Waste Management and Remediation Division by email or mail at DEQ/UST, PO Box 200901, Helena, MT 59620-0901. Comments must be in writing and must be received by May 28.