Saturday, September 21, 2024

Kudos to Whitefish for climate plan

| May 12, 2021 1:00 AM

Kudos to the City of Whitefish for having a Climate Action Plan, and for looking at broad solutions for solid waste management like curbside recycling. Recycling gets a bad rap, especially plastics. Critics complain it doesn’t do much in the big picture, and it takes people away from actions with bigger impacts. However many examples exist (particularly from Europe and Scandinavia) where municipalities and nations have dramatically transformed their waste streams.

Personally I think as citizens, cities, and as a nation the best moves are systemic changes. Bringing recycling curbside is a great example. That approach makes it so much easier for people to choose as a default action. Another example, the 800 pound gorilla of an opportunity, is to put a price on carbon, which would incentivize renewable energy technology and be a big part of moving the needle on stopping our warming planet.

The City of Whitefish has a real opportunity to lead. I applaud the work they’ve done so far, and I encourage them to make a public statement supporting a price on carbon paired with a dividend back to households. The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act is active in the U.S. House, and it’s up to us to raise our voices in support.

Harry Richardson, Bigfork