McGrew and Losleben will keep fire service with city
Last year, the current Whitefish Fire Service Area board caused widespread stress and concern for those owning property in the Whitefish Fire Service Area when it discussed a proposal to replace the full time and professional firefighters at the Whitefish Fire Department (which currently provides fire and EMT services to the Whitefish Fire Service Area) with a volunteer fire department.
At its March 16 meeting, the board raised exploring this idea again as early as 2023. This is a public safety issue. For anyone with property in the WFSA who wants to continue receiving fire and EMT services from the professional career firefighters at the Whitefish Fire Department, I invite them to vote for Ed McGrew and George Losleben in the upcoming Whitefish Fire Service Board election.
McGrew is a Whitefish businessman who has lived in the Whitefish area nearly 20 years and George Losleden, born and raised in Montana, is a retired attorney. Both are committed to retaining the professional fire and EMT services of the Whitefish Fire Department for the WFSA, rather than shifting to a volunteer fire department.
Mike Frost, Whitefish