Monday, May 13, 2024

Adult programs look to encourage Parks and Rec participation

Daily Inter Lake | March 4, 2020 1:00 AM

Whitefish’s Parks and Recreation Department is looking to encourage more participation in its programs by adding team programs, and particularly those for adults.

Parks and Recreation Director Maria Butts said the city has historically run a wide variety of youth recreation programs, but adult programs haven’t worked as well.

“Although we have had some adult programs in the past, the success and sustainability of the programs has eluded us,” Butts said. “We’re hoping by adding team sports opportunities we can get more people involved.”

One of the programs being considered is basketball, and the city has been meeting with the WAVE to look at offering the program at the fitness center.

Additional programs could include cornhole, pickleball, volleyball and softball.

The recreation fees had been based on individual participation, so the Parks and Recreation Department created team fees. City Council last month approved a fee structure for team activities for the recreation programs.

The fee for a youth five-person team, such as for basketball is $300. The fee for a youth six-person team, such as for volleyball would be $400.

The fees for adult team programs range from $75 for a two-person team up to $450 for a six-person or more team.

Butts said staff assessed the cost of each program, by evaluating staffing needs, supplies, and contracted services, then determined the cost of each program to determine the fee to recover the associated costs.

Butts said by having the fee structure for the team programs then recreation staff will be able to try out a variety of offerings without having to develop a new fee structure for each program.