Saturday, September 07, 2024

Show carries on with in-person, online performances for WTC’s ‘Seminar’

| June 17, 2020 1:00 AM

The Whitefish Theatre Co. is presenting a special summer production of “Seminar.”

Originally slated as part of their 2019-2020 season, WTC has rescheduled this Black Curtain Theatre production for June 27 and 28 at 7:30 p.m. There will be two ways to view this show on each night, including limited, socially-distant seating at the O’Shaughnessy Center in Whitefish and online in a pre-recorded version of the play.

It should be noted that this play is for mature audiences only as it has strong language and sexual situations.

Four young writers have signed up for a writing seminar with Leonard, a known literary hotshot. His students include the well-to-do Kate, who hosts the sessions in her spacious Upper West Side apartment, sweater-vested Douglas, who has family connections in publishing but lacks real promise, the provocative Izzy, whose wish to be published is only seconded by her desire to appear nude on a New York Magazine cover, and Martin, the last hold-out when it comes to handing over his work to be judged.

Under Leonard’s recklessly brilliant and unorthodox instruction where he shreds egos one semi-colon at a time, some of these writers thrive in the seminar, while others flounder. As alliances are made and broken and insecurities rage, the wordplay is not the only thing that turns vicious as innocence collides with experience in this biting Broadway black comedy.

“As a result of COVID-19, we were so disappointed to cancel this show earlier in the year as it was a favorite script of the Black Curtain play committee,” said Director Kim Krueger. “But it has turned out to be a gift as we have had the time to really explore these characters and the language given to us by the brilliant playwright Theresa Rebeck. This play starts as a witty juggling of ideas but turns into a hilarious exploration of power, the existence of true talent, and the truths we don’t want to hear.”

Cast members include David Blair as Leonard, Scarlett Schindler as Kate, Mikey Winn as Martin, Becky Rygg as Izzy, and Matt Strool as Douglas.

“This excellent cast has put in countless more hours than we usually do for a Black Curtain offering and they all shine in their roles,” Krueger said. “David Blair as the debauched, embittered genius that wreaks havoc on the lives of the writers is not to be missed.”

Viewers are reminded that as a Black Curtain production, there will minimal staging, no set or props, and actors may reference their scripts in both the live and film versions. As a gift to the community on WTC’s return, there is no charge to see this show. Donations to WTC, however, are greatly appreciated.

WTC asks that patrons interested in attending the live performance at the O’Shaughnessy Center or watching the show online contact WTC immediately at 862-5371 or to RSVP. WTC staff will seat patrons during each live performance to assure social distancing. An email will be sent to those who have RSVP’d for the online film with a link to the show. This link will go live at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 27 and will removed following the show on Sunday, June 28.

This show is sponsored by Meg Wolfe and Steve Lull and Bet and Doug Wise.