Legals February 6, 2019
No. 2469 WHITEFISH PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The regular meeting of the Whitefish Planning Board will be held on Thursday, February 21, 2019 at 6:00 pm in the Whitefish City Council Chambers at 418 E Second Street. During the meeting, the Board will hold a public hearing on the item listed below. Upon receipt of the recommendation from the Planning Board, the Whitefish City Council will hold a subsequent public hearing for item 1 on March 4, 2019. City Council meetings start at 7:10 pm at 418 E Second Street in the Whitefish City Council Chambers on the second floor. A request by FNB Investments LLC for a 12-lot Preliminary Plat. The property is undeveloped and is zoned WR-3 (Low-Density Multi-Family Residential District). The property is located at 540 Colorado Avenue and can be legally described as E1/2E1/2 of Lot 1 in Block 6 of Whitefish Townsite Five Acre Tracts S25 T31N R22W P.M.M., Flathead County. (WPP 18-16) Minnich Documents pertaining to these agenda items are available for review at the Whitefish Planning & Building Department, 418 E Second Street, during regular business hours. The full application packets along with public comments and staff report will be available on the City's webpage: under Planning Board six days prior to the Planning Board public hearing date noted above. Inquiries are welcomed. Interested parties are invited to attend the meeting and make known their views and concerns. Comments in writing may be forwarded to the Whitefish Planning & Building Department at the above address prior to the hearing or via email: For questions or further information regarding these proposals, phone 406-863-2410. WHITEFISH PLANNING BOARD Steve Qunell, Chair February 6, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 2468 ATV Track Proposal: The Montana DNRC, Stillwater Unit is accepting comments on a request from Action Rentals for a Land Use License to develop an all-terrain vehicle track with associated amenities on approximately 11.5 acres of State trust land 4 miles south of Olney, MT. The proposed site is situated between US Highway 93 and the Stillwater River in sections 28 & 33 of T32N, R23W. Revenue generated from the license would benefit (3) Montana school trusts. For further information please contact Nicole Stickney, DNRC Stillwater Unit, P.O. Box 164, Olney, MT 59927, 406-881-2666 or Comments will be accepted no later than 2/28/2019. February 6, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________