WLGC Member/Guest Tourney a success
The Annual Member/Guest tournament was a huge success with over 62 teams playing the two-day event. This year had a number of members who were unable to participate as the field was completely full with teams by the deadline for registering. Plans are being solidified to expand the number of teams for 2020 to make sure all interested players will have the opportunity to bring a guest to Whitefish for this popular event. Our hats are off to Christine Newton, Cody Olson and Adam Long for such a wonderfully organized tournament at WLGC, and thanks to all the members for participating.
WLGA seeking new Board Members
Two seats will be vacant this year on the Board of Directors for the Whitefish Lake Golf Association. One male and one female will be elected to fill the vacancies created as Bill LeLeivre and Tracey Whisenand complete their three-year terms. Tier One members at least 18 years old who have been a member at WLGC for five years or more are eligible to run for the board. If you fit the requirements and wish to run for the board please send an email to Terry@golfwhitefish.com stating your desire to serve.
Practice like you play
To bring your range game to the course, you need to practice like you play. Go through your pre-shot routine as you would for every shot you make on the course. Instead of hitting one club ten times in a row try switching after each shot. Play an imaginary round on the range by visualizing the course and hitting the shots you would normally play. Pay attention to your stance, grip, and posture, and always hit to a very specific target. Take dead aim as Harvey Pennick says in his book. This type of focused practice will help bring your game from Ranger Rick to a much better player on the course.