Thursday, May 09, 2024

Auditions held for 'The Christians'

| April 9, 2019 10:17 AM

The Whitefish Theatre Co. is holding auditions for “The Christians”, the final Black Curtain Theatre production of the 2018-2019 season. Auditions are being held on Tuesday, April 16 at 7 p.m. at the O’Shaughnessy Center in Whitefish. Please arrive early and enter at the north side of the building to fill out an audition application and review the script. Auditions will be held in the lobby of the O’Shaughnessy Center.

Pastor Paul’s church 20 years ago was nothing more than a modest storefront. Now he presides over a congregation of thousands with classrooms for Sunday School, a coffee shop in the lobby, and a parking lot big enough to get lost in it. Today should be a day of celebration. However, when the beloved minister steps up to the pulpit to share a reconsidered version of his beliefs, his stunning revelation leaves the entire church community rocked to its core. Praised by the National Catholic Reporter for being “powerful, riveting, and handling a complex and intellectual debate in a relatable way,” Lucan Hnath’s “The Christians” is a big-little play about faith in America — and the trouble with changing your mind.

The cast will be composed of three men and two women, ages 20s to late 60s. No experience or preparation is necessary to audition. Pages from the script will be provided.

Nina Levitt is the director for this production. As a Black Curtain show, actors will remain on book during performances and there will be minimal costumes and set. There will be a total of nine rehearsals and one tech night on May 3. There are two performances over one weekend on May 4 and 5.

For more information, call the Whitefish Theatre Company at 862-5371.