Thursday, May 09, 2024

Fading glaciers but not fading hope

| April 2, 2019 2:22 PM

I was moved by the conversation with scientists after the Fading Glaciers Presentation in mid-March in Whitefish for the Montana Lakes Conference. Local scientists are studying the effects of climate change in our region. To hear these scientists speak about climate change and the need to act on it was heart-wrenching.

Though climate change threatens our local lake-and-snow-based livelihoods, it is not a local problem but a global problem. The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, H.R. 763, is a solution. It will help America transition to clean energy and encourage other nations too. See

On March 22 I received a letter from Representative Gianforte showing our Congress is listening. He said “Climate change is real and industrial activity contributes to it.” Also, “Rather than heavy-handed regulation, I support market-based solutions that grow American Jobs. America leads the world in energy production. We must also lead in energy innovation.” This is the hallmark of the Energy Innovation Act.

Write to Representative Gianforte, Senator Tester and Senator Daines and ask for their support on this bill.

Let’s not give up hope on the glaciers in Glacier National Park.

Robin Paone, Whitefish