Legals May 16, 2018
No. 2431 WHITEFISH BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING At a meeting of the Whitefish Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, June 5, 2018 at 6:00 pm, the Board will hold a public hearing on the items listed below. The Board of Adjustments meets in the Whitefish Council Chambers at City Hall, at 418 E. 2nd Street, Whitefish, Montana. A variance request by Michelle & Todd Johnson to reduce the front and side yard setbacks to enclose an existing carport. The property is located at 202 W. 6th Street. (WZV 18-02) Minnich A variance request by the Whitefish School District for the new elementary school to: 1) permit parking in the front yard setback; 2) reduce the overall parking requirement for the school; and 3) alleviate the landscaping screening when a parking area abuts a residential zoning district. The property is located at 1120 E 7th Street. (WZV 18-03) Compton-Ring Documents pertaining to this agenda item are available for review at the Whitefish Planning & Building Department, 418 E. 2nd Street, Whitefish, Montana 59937 during regular business hours. Inquiries are welcomed. Interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and make known their views and concerns. Comments, in writing, may be forwarded to the Whitefish Planning & Building Department at the above address prior to the hearing or via email: For questions or further information regarding this request, phone 406-863-2410. WHITEFISH BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS Herb Peschel, Chair May 16, 2018 MNAXLP _________________________
No. 2430 The Whitefish Convention and Visitors Bureau is seeking professional services to work as a collaborative partner in the implementation of a comprehensive program to promote Whitefish, Montana as a premier travel destination to nonresident visitors. Services include: 1) Creative Services and Media Buy and 2) Website Services. These are separate contracts and offerors can respond to one or both bid requests. For detailed information, contact the WCVB at P.O. Box 4232, Whitefish, Montana 59937 or call 406 862 3390. Email May 16, 23, 30, June 6, 2018 MNAXLP _________________________