Sunday, May 19, 2024

Clinic provides care for underserved

| March 13, 2018 2:37 PM

In Whitefish, we now have a wonderful new women’s clinic for healthcare for the underserved women of our area.

And, now, we have some men and women with signs protesting this clinic.

Firstly, why do these people feel that they have the right to protest anything about women’s bodies and their healthcare? The health and wellness choices of how you treat your body are at your discretion, man or woman. Supported by law.

Secondly, regarding “saved children”: If they have the time to stand and complain and protest, why don’t they take their time and their money and support an unwanted child and their family. Or, give this time and energy to supporting CASA or Child Bridge. Or, take in a foster child. Or, maybe, financially help someone to adopt an unwanted child. Or opt to adopt a child yourself. Or, volunteer at the Food Bank. Sadly, these things don’t happen. It is easier to hold up a sign.

To sanctimoniously stand on the street with a sign when there are so many other ways to address helping unwanted children and families in distress is unconscionable. Get out there and do something. And, leave women’s healthcare choices to women. And, be thankful that we now have a Women’s Clinic in Whitefish.

Please, Whitefish, stand up and support the efforts of this clinic.

Linda Coolidge, Whitefish