Sunday, May 19, 2024

Highway 93 plan committee created

Daily Inter Lake | March 6, 2018 2:44 PM

Whitefish has created a steering committee to begin work on the Highway 93 South corridor plan.

The committee is expected to work through the planning process with city staff to create a plan that would serve to guide future development along the corridor. The committee will consist of nine individual — two Council members, one city Planning Board member, two business owners in or adjacent to the corridor, two owner-occupants of residential property in or adjacent to the corridor, and two at-large city residents.

Planning staff recently outlined a draft timeline for a corridor plan that includes creating a steering committee for the plan this spring, developing policies and the plan during the summer, having a review draft completed in the fall and a final draft could go before the Planning Board in February 2019.

The draft corridor study map includes an area with a northern boundary of East Sixth Street south to Blanchard Lake Road. The eastern boundary is generally one block off the highway in the northern portion and then generally follows the Whitefish River south. The proposed western boundary stays to the east of Karrow Avenue.

Letters of interest for the committee are being taken through Friday, March 9. For information, call 863-2402.