Sunday, May 19, 2024

Fiscal responsibility means not buying things with other's money

| January 2, 2018 1:09 PM

Robert Harris says “tax and spend” equals “fiscal responsibility.” Right. In the same way the responsible thief makes sure to get rid of all the loot.

“Tax and spend” means getting as much as possible short of an armed uprising, and then make sure it gets to people and projects who will vote you back in, so that you will keep getting them more.

And both Republicans and Democrats excel at this charade, they just have different voter bases.

“Tax reform” is a misnomer until spending is dramatically reduced. In the meantime, the thief is just shifting which of our pockets he’s targeting.

“Fiscal Responsibility” means not buying things in the first place, and especially not with other people’s money.

Matthew Bryan, Whitefish