Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Time now to invest in children, town

| September 19, 2017 4:19 PM

Full disclosure: No one asked me to write this letter. I was a member of the Muldown Project Task Force and a confirmed skeptic as to the need for a new school.

After months of meetings, (I attended all but one) I now firmly believe that it is imperative that we as a community come together to provide not only a safe and healthy learning environment but one that meets the needs of our students well into the future.

I am very aware of the costs involved but to retrofit an unsafe, out of date, and undersized building is a monumental waste of taxpayer’s money. Failure to act now will nickel and dime us for years to come as we put Band-Aid over Band-Aid, never fixing the sore below. Now is the time to invest in the future of our children and the future of our town.

I urge you to carefully read the two articles in the Sept. 13, 2017 Pilot and then VOTE YES FOR MULDOWN when your ballot arrives this week.

Voting YES is not only the smart thing but it is the right thing to do for our children and the future of our community.

Richard Hildner, Whitefish