Tuesday, September 24, 2024

News shown in classroom inappropriate

| November 14, 2017 3:17 PM

In our home we do not watch the news as there is too much revealed that is not appropriate for our children. I scan the news on the Internet and share with them that which, as their mother, I consider morally upright and of good use for them, or just plainly events and people that they should know about and pray for.

They don’t need to see the graphic images of the shooting in Las Vegas, nor the chaos and utter sadness of the shootings in a church in Texas. Again, I can filter for their eyes and ears. Because, it is said, “Be careful little eyes what you see. Be careful little ears what you hear.”

Are you aware that the children, in some grades, at Muldown Elementary, are watching CNN 10 student news every morning? Are you aware that the kids are seeing tragic events unfold, listening to the cries of the sorrowful, watching adults speak unkindly of one another without the filter of their parents? Who is there to console these kids?

There is NO place for CNN, nor FOX, nor MSNBC, not ABC in the classroom. This is awful and it must stop!

Catherine Owens, Whitefish