Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Greg Gianforte, the true Montanan

| May 16, 2017 3:15 PM

Congressional candidate, Rob Quist, is asking Montanans to vote for him for Congress. He endorses Obamacare, which raises taxes and it has horrible results for our healthcare. It is a disaster for people with higher premiums and catastrophic deductibles. He would fund, with your tax dollars, Planned Parenthood. He believes immigration policies should not single out specific ethnic groups. If your head is not in the sand you know there is one specific group who is terrorizing communities worldwide almost daily. His support for gun registry is one step from confiscation and it does not reflect Montana values. He supports a woman’s choice to have an abortion, but he does not believe in school choice. The socialist Bernie Sanders is supporting him and campaigning for him, what does that tell you? Montana Values?

His Republican opponent, Greg Gianforte supports our Second Amendment Rights. He wants to defund Planned Parenthood. He supports access to our public land and he is committed to Montanans having more local control of federal lands. He wants the repeal and replacement of Obamacare. He supports school choice and the voucher system. He believes our country needs to balance the budget because we cannot continue to spend more that we take in. He will stand up for Montanans by getting rid of the nonsensical, job killing regulations. He will support the men and women who have served our country, as so many have given up so much and they deserve that support. The results of the policies of the past several years have put our citizens under constant threats every day. Greg believes in protecting our borders and knowing who is entering our country. He knows we must have a strong military and be respected around the world.

He and his wife started a business here in Montana which grew to over 500 very well-paying jobs. He knows what businesses need to succeed and to provide good employment for the people here in Montana. He has supported the young people of Montana by providing many scholarships to high school students over the years.

Yes, Greg Gianforte is a true American and Montanan and he has my support. Please vote for liberty, vote for Greg Gianforte.

Connie Gress, Whitefish