Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Mayor advocates for tax relief bill

| May 2, 2017 3:11 PM

Editor’s note: Mayor John Muhlfeld last week sent this letter to Gov. Steve Bullock. The letter is in reference to Senate Bill 94, which would ease property taxes for homeowners who own land worth twice as much as the improvements on it. The bill is expected to head to the governor’s desk.

Honorable Governor Bullock:

Thank you for the opportunity to provide comment on SB 94, a bipartisan consensus bill that if signed into law, would provide property tax relief for long-term Montana residents. It is rare that I receive calls from Whitefish residents regarding legislative bills. SB 94 is an exception. Over the past several weeks, I have had many discussions, and received numerous phone messages and emails, from long-term Whitefish residents who are at risk of losing their heritage properties if this bill is not signed into law.

For over 30 years, the Legislature has struggled to find options to protect Montana residents whose property values are being driven astronomically high by out-of-state buyers. Most residents have seen a 10-fold increase in property taxes since the 2002 reappraisal cycle, and a 30-fold increase since the 1980s. Today, only 45 percent of the lakefront properties on Whitefish Lake are owned by Montana residents, a dramatic 40 percent decrease since the 1980s.

When a community such as Whitefish loses families that have comprised the fabric of our town for decades, the result is a deterioration of our sense of place and authenticity. Many of the residents this bill will benefit are retirees that are living on fixed incomes and simply cannot afford to stay in their homes. SB 94 will not only serve as a solution for Whitefish families, but for families across Montana who are facing escalating property taxes.

The true assets of Montana are its residents, and in towns and cities like Whitefish, maintaining our main street sense of place is of vital importance to our community, and economic well-being. I ask for your support of this important bill, and thank you for your service to Montana.

Mayor John Muhlfeld