Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Prom fun, stressful

| March 7, 2017 2:57 PM

As February comes to a close, it becomes one of the most stressful times for a high schooler. Not because of in increase in homework, or because of the difficulties of balancing sports with school, or not even because of the laziness that arrives at the end of a school year; it’s because of prom. That’s right, a dance. What is supposed to be a joyous occasion with excitement and anticipation leading up, it actually turns into one of the hardest parts of high school.

It all starts with the promposal. What is usually the guys job, the promposal has to be creative, sweet, and original. The latter tending to be the most difficult. With promposals happening all over the country, how is one supposed to think of an idea that has never been done? There’s always the popular ideas like covering a car in post it notes, writing “Prom?” in lights, or coming up with an original pun. This teenage version of an actual proposal must be thought out and the planning usually begins months in advance. Then, when the actual day of asking arrives, nothing is more nerve wracking than the hours leading up to the proposal. You hope the answer will be yes but there’s always fear of hearing the word no.

As stressful as it is for the guys, I can only imagine how much more it is for the girls. If the girl’s not in a relationship, there is always concern about not being asked. Or possibly even worse, being asked someone they don’t want.

After the promposals are out of the way, difficult decision on outfits, dinner, and plans for after prom become the next source of anxiety. One of the most important issues is making sure the outfits match. I mean, how embarrassing would that be if you and your dates outfits didn’t compliment each other. Dinner is another important part of prom. It’s important to book a place early because nothing is worse than ending up at the same restaurant as another group. The last issue is finding plans for after prom. There is often not much to do but nobody wants to go home after the dance. These issues begin to really take a toll on a person.

Prom is one the best moments in adolescent years and is something almost everyone remembers for the rest of their life. Although it both exciting and fun, these difficulties surrounding prom just add to the many stresses of high school. So for those out of high school, if anything, hopefully this new knowledge of the pressures of a high schooler give an insight into what our lives are really like. Not as easy as you thought.

Thomas Carloss is a senior at Whitefish High School.