Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Judge candidate plans to continue affordable housing work

| June 27, 2017 5:08 PM

I am running for Whitefish Municipal Judge. I have had the pleasure of talking to many of you at the Dog Park and Farmers Market. Some folks have asked me whether my election will interfere with my work promoting affordable workforce housing in Whitefish.

It will not. I am the only candidate who promises to make the position part-time-with a corresponding pay cut to save you tax dollars. With the judge position being part-time, I will be able to continue facilitating affordable workforce housing for our community.

The Whitefish Workforce Housing Task Force, which I chair, just held a public forum in the new City Hall where community members identified which workforce housing tools best fit our unique community. Over the next two months, six break-out groups will develop that input and those tools into implementation strategies for consideration by our community and its leaders.

I remain committed to facilitating affordable housing. By making the judge position part-time, I will be able to continue to make room in our community for seniors, working families, handicapped and veterans.

I ask for your vote in November so I can be your public servant, on the court and in the community.

Tom Tornow is a candidate for Whitefish Municipal Judge.