Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Supports Quist for Congress

| January 31, 2017 3:12 PM

I am writing in support of Rob Quist’s candidacy for Montana’s lone congressional seat. It is said that the House of Representatives is the people’s chamber and it is easy to see that Rob Quist represents what the people of Montana love and respect.

Rob Quist is the author of the song, “In Without Knocking,” which also happens to be the name of a popular album produced by Montana’s beloved “Mission Mountain Wood Band.” For those Montanans with good memories, you might recall that the abbreviation for the band was M2WB!

M2WB album’s cover for “In Without Knocking” used Charley M. Russell’s painting of cowboys riding their horses into the Hoffman Hotel Saloon for a drink in old Stanford, Montana.

What is interesting about the album, “In Without Knocking,” is that it doesn’t contain Rob Quist’s song of the same name. This song showed up in later M2MB albums and performances. It is my favorite from the Rob Quist & Great Northern album “Songs from Western Harmony.”

Taking liberties with Rob Quist’s song, “In Without Knocking” I think it is time for Rob to be Washington bound.

This isn’t time to be polite and Rob may be spoiling for a fight, raising a little hell on behalf of Montanans and Americans.

Rob has been riding and performing throughout Montana more years than he can count. He chose the ways of harder days with no time for regret. Montanans would be well rewarded by his efforts by sending Rob Quist — together with his cowboy boots and cowboy hat — to Washington.

Congress would benefit from an authentic American and Montana cowboy, rather than those two bit phony drug store cowboys that wear fancy cowboy boots to Washington. To quote Shania Twain, “that don’t impress me much.”

Their boots have never been in the stirrups and certainly never had any cow manure on them from actual cowboy/farming/ranching work; a lot of BS for certain, but no manure from working the land.

Besides being an authentic cowboy, Rob is an authentic Montanan, having grown up in a ranching family in Cut Bank. Rob and his family continues to ranch in the Flathead.

He led the Cut Bank Wolves to the 1966 Class B State Basketball Championship before playing basketball at the University of Montana.

While attending Montana he met Steve Riddle and the two joined forces with three other born and bred Montanans, Christian Johnson, Greg Reichenberg and Terry Robinson, to form M2WD.

Rob Quist was one of the first honorees of the University of Montana’s “Hall of Honor.” In being so honored, it was noted that Rob was “an eloquent proponent of history and beauty of the West whose legacy in song will be embraced by generations to follow.”

Today, more than ever, Montana and America needs an eloquent voice that knows, respects, understands, writes and yes, sings about the history of Montana and America. Rob Quist will honor all Montanans by being “our” representative.

Tom Muri, Whitefish