Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Fighting for Montana during wildfire season

| August 15, 2017 4:07 PM

During wildfire season, brave men and women put their lives at risk to protect our communities. Please join me in keeping these courageous firefighters in your thoughts and prayers.

Whether it is firefighters beating back the Rice Ridge Fire, folks donating to the local Red Cross, or strangers opening their homes to displaced neighbors, fire season brings out the true character of Montana. If a wildfire threatens our communities we work together and fight back. The generosity of local people is the Montana way.

But the burden of fighting these fires should not be left solely to local communities. Protecting citizens from natural disaster is a fundamental pillar of government. That’s why I work hard to secure disaster assistance from FEMA for the Lodgepole Complex fire and ensure that Montana farmers, ranchers, and businesses have every resource they need during this difficult time.

If you are a farmer or rancher and have been impacted by the wildfires that have ravaged our state don’t hesitate to reach out to your local FSA office in Kalispell. If you are a homeowner who has experienced loss this fire season, call my office at 406-728-3003.

During times of disaster, we Montanans step up and care for each other and I’ll be holding the federal government accountable to ensure it does its part, quickly and efficiently.

While we hope and pray for a relief in Flathead County and the surrounding area, I will be working with Republicans and Democrats to ensure the community has the resources they need to fight any fires and recover from any devastation that might happen.

Democrat Jon Tester is a third generation Montana farmer from Big Sandy, and the senior U.S. Senator for Montana.